[Antiquitas] VL: Two Seminars in Late Antique & Medieval Christianity with Prof Ivan Foletti, Director of the Centre for Early Medieval Studies, Masaryk University

Kahlos, Maijastina maijastina.kahlos at helsinki.fi
Ke Helmi 26 21:21:41 EET 2020

Hei, Antiquitas-listalaisia voi kiinnostaa nämä kaksi esitelmätilaisuutta,
yt. Maijastina Kahlos

Two Seminars in Late Antique & Medieval Christianity with Prof Ivan Foletti, Director of the Centre for Early Medieval Studies, Masaryk University

You are warmly welcome to participate in these seminars.

Medieval Studies Seminar - Metsätalo, sali (room) 10 on Thursday 12 March at 14:15.

The Doors of Santa Sabina in Rome and the Invention of the Senses: Rituals, Engineering and Images.

On the Aventine Hill in Rome is hidden one of the most impressive Late Antique objects: the wooden doors of Santa Sabina. Covered by images, these doors have been analyzed exclusively from an iconographic point of view. Recent discoveries radically changed this situation and have revealed its significance for understanding of Late Antique initiatory rituals. Additionally, new analysis of the acoustical properties of the doors contribute to the history of acoustics.This object of art is thus relevant for a new perception of contemporary society and technologies.

Seminar on research methods in spatial, material, visual and textual approaches to late antique and medieval studies.

‘Library’ room, 3rd floor Vuorikatu 3, Friday 13 March, 10 to 11.30.
This seminar is particularly aimed at doctoral students but all others are very welcome to participate too. The intention is to reflect on how attention to space, the material and the visual can enhance our reading of textual sources from this period.
Coffee and pulla will be served! RSVP to Juliette.day at helsinki.fi<mailto:Juliette.day at helsinki.fi>

Ivan Foletti is an art historian specializing in the study of historiography of Byzantine art and the art of Milan, Rome and Constantinople in the late antique and early medieval period. More specifically, he studies early Christian monuments from the liturgical and ritual point of view. In addition, he is interested in using social and anthropological approaches to explore the impact of the period of migrations on art in the Mediterranean area. He directed the Swiss national foundation Ambizione project (2013-2017), “Les morts et leurs corps comme lieu d'éthno-agrégation et de contacte: la cas d'Ambroise, de Gervais et de Protais au haut Moyen Âge,” dedicated to the interaction between objects, relics and migrants in Milan and Lombardy in 4-10th century and the experimental project “Migrating Art Historians” (2017, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University). Currently, he is directing the project “Transforming the Spaces and the Minds. Materiality, Performativity and Perception in the Late Antique (4th–6th century) Baptismal Zones” (2017-2019, Grant Agency of Masaryk University).
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