[Antiquitas] kirjurityöpaja/workshop on scribal language use
Dahlgren, Sonja A K
sonja.dahlgren at helsinki.fi
Ke Helmi 19 12:22:51 EET 2020
Hei kaikille! (Pahoittelut päällekkäisistä postauksista; English below)
Mainostan etukäteen PapyGreek-projektin 20.4. Helsingin yliopiston Metsätalossa järjestämää työpajaa, joka käsittelee kirjurien (=kirjoittajien) vaikutusta kieleen keskiajan ja antiikin teksteissä. Työpaja on ilmainen ja avoin kaikille; palaamme yksityiskohtaisemmin asiaan lähempänä tapahtumaa. Ohessa puhujalista tiedoksenne. Kutsua saa mielellään levittää.
Parhain terveisin
Sonja Dahlgren (projektin puolesta).
Scribal influence on language use, University of Helsinki Metsätalo building, 20th April 2020
Tanja Säily (UH), invited speaker: Variation and change in individual writers of early English letters
Matti Peikola (UT), invited speaker: Applying knowledge of scribal practices to the study of early printed texts: some examples from 16th-century England
Timo Korkiakangas (UH): Intra-Writer Variation in Early Medieval Latin Documents of Italy
Tommi Alho (UT): Ligatures in Humanist Greek
Aino Liira (UT): Text and paratext: scribal roles in the production of the Middle English Polychronicon manuscripts
Marika Pulkkinen (UH): The Role of Secretarial Aid of Scribes in Formation of Paul's Letters
Martti Leiwo (UH): Hands and language in ostraka letters from Roman Egypt
Sonja Dahlgren (UH): Some remarks on language attitudes and scribal style: Comparison of Egyptian Greek and Medieval English text production practices
Marja Vierros (UH): Who is the author, who is the writer? Some remarks on authorship attribution metrics within Greek texts from Egypt
Saara Kauppinen (UH): Dialogue markers in Greek verse inscriptions
Aleksi Mäkilähde (UT): Code-switching and visual foregrounding: Notes on the Orationes manuscript (Canterbury Cathedral Archives Lit. MS E41)
Dear all, (apologies for multiple postings)
I am advertising a workshop organised on 20th April by the project PapyGreek on scribal (= writers') influence on language use in the texts coming from Middle Ages and Antiquity. The workshop will take place at the University of Helsinki Metsätalo building, and is free of charge and open to everyone; we will be back with some more details nearer to the event. Below is the list of speakers for your information. Feel free to circulate the invitation.
All the best
Sonja Dahlgren (on behalf of the project).
Scribal influence on language use, University of Helsinki Metsätalo building, 20th April 2020
Tanja Säily (UH), invited speaker: Variation and change in individual writers of early English letters
Matti Peikola (UT), invited speaker: Applying knowledge of scribal practices to the study of early printed texts: some examples from 16th-century England
Timo Korkiakangas (UH): Intra-Writer Variation in Early Medieval Latin Documents of Italy
Tommi Alho (UT): Ligatures in Humanist Greek
Aino Liira (UT): Text and paratext: scribal roles in the production of the Middle English Polychronicon manuscripts
Marika Pulkkinen (UH): The Role of Secretarial Aid of Scribes in Formation of Paul's Letters
Martti Leiwo (UH): Hands and language in ostraka letters from Roman Egypt
Sonja Dahlgren (UH): Some remarks on language attitudes and scribal style: Comparison of Egyptian Greek and Medieval English text production
Marja Vierros (UH): Who is the author, who is the writer? Some remarks on authorship attribution metrics within Greek texts from Egypt
Saara Kauppinen (UH): Dialogue markers in Greek verse inscriptions
Aleksi Mäkilähde (UT): Code-switching and visual foregrounding: Notes on the Orationes manuscript (Canterbury Cathedral Archives Lit. MS E41)
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