KINFO: Stem Cells course, 5 ECTs

TYK ry tiedotus tiedotus at
Su Joulu 18 12:42:35 EET 2022

Dear All,

Stem Cells (5 ECTs) is an advanced course organized by Åbo Akademi cell biology. It is suitable for MSc students (4-5th year) and PhD students in the bioscience field in both ÅAU and UTU.

The aim of the course is to provide theoretical knowledge on the biology and application of stem cells, including the use of stem cells in basic research and regenerative medicine. In addition, the course will provide insight into ethical considerations on stem cell research and therapy. The course consists of lectures, a journal club, a mini-review and an exam. The course language is English.

The course will begin on January 17th at 10:00, and it will be held on site (Aud. Biology in Biocity 2nd floor). You can register for the course through the ÅAU Peppi system or via email to me. I am the responsible teacher for the course, and for more detailed and updated information, please follow the course Moodle page.

Information about the course:

UTU study guide:ÅA__8181/7502<>

Best regards,

Rasmus Niemi


Rasmus Niemi, MSc, PhD student

University Teacher in Cell Biology

Cell Biology

Åbo Akademi University

Address: Biocity 2nd floor, Tykistökatu 6A, 20520 Turku, Finland

e-mail: raniemi at<mailto:raniemi at>

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