[Kaupunkitutkimus] Summer School on "Post-Pandemic Social Housing"

Sampo Ruoppila sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi
Fri Mar 12 09:59:05 EET 2021

”Kesäkoulu” tuetusta asumisesta syyskuussa Wienissä tai online, kohderyhmänä väitöskirjan tekijät tai vasta väitelleet. Yuri Kazepov kollegoineen järjestää. Ei osallistumismaksua ja asumiskulut katetaan järjestäjän puolesta.

The ResearchLab invites

Studies on hybridity and boundary management in social housing
Studies on the (historic) relation between (social) housing and (paid and unpaid) work
Studies on home and community care arrangements
Studies on architecture and design related to hybridity in (social) housing

The ResearchLab is open for early stage academics (predoc, postdoc) from all disciplinary contexts as well as for housing activists and representatives of housing and urban policy initiatives who want to contribute to the above-mentioned topics.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Lähettäjä: Yuri Kazepov <yuri.kazepov at univie.ac.at<mailto:yuri.kazepov at univie.ac.at>>
Date: pe 12. maalisk. 2021 klo 1.17
Subject: Summer School on "Post-Pandemic Social Housing"
To: <COMURB_R21 at listserv.gsu.edu<mailto:COMURB_R21 at listserv.gsu.edu>>

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The University of Vienna, together with the Technical University and the IBA-Wien opened a call for an IBA-Research-Lab international Summer School on "Post-Pandemic Social Housing".

The Summer School will be held in Vienna (if compatible with Covid-19 regulations) from the 13th to the 17th of September 2021.

No fees. Accommodation will be provided and travel grants up to 500€ will be granted to 15 successful applicants!

Deadline for applications is April 5th 2021.

For more information: https://iba-researchlab.at/

Looking forward to your applications!

Univ. Prof. Yuri Kazepov PhD
Head of the Department of Sociology
University of Vienna

Hot off the press 2020-2021

Scandurra, R. Cefalo, R. Kazepov, Y.
2021          Drivers of Youth Labour Market Integration Across European Regions, Social Indicators Research, online first https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-020-02549-8

Maione, M., Mocca, E. Eisfeld, K. Kazepov, Y., Fuzzi, S.
2020          Public perception of air pollution sources across Europe, Ambio. A Journal of Environment and Society, online first https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-020-01450-5

Mocca, E. Kazepov, Y.
2020          Sozialpolitik, in E. Flicker, M. Parzer (Hrsg.), Forschungs- und Anwendungsfelder der Soziologie, Fakultas Verlag: Wien, pp. 221-236.

Kazepov, Y. Cefalo, R. and Chan R.
2020          Die verschiedenen Wege nach der Pflichtschule. Österreich im Vergleich in Flecker, J., Wöhrer, V and I. Rieder (Hrsg.). Wege in die Zukunft Lebenssituation Jugendlicher am Ende der Neuen Mittelschule, Vienna University Press, Vienna, pp. 33-57.

Cefalo R., Scandurra, R. and Kazepov, Y.
2020          Youth Labour Market Integration in European Regions, “Sustainability”, 12 (9), 3813; (available in open access: https://doi.org/10.3390/su12093813).

Scandurra, R. Cefalo, R. and Kazepov, Y.
2020          School to work outcomes during the Great Recession, is the regional scale relevant for young people’s life chances? In “Journal of Youth Studies” (available in open access: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13676261.2020.1742299).

Mocca, E. Friesenecker, M. and Kazepov, Y.
2020          Greening Vienna. The Multi-Level Interplay of Urban Environmental Policy–Making, Sustainability, 12, 1577; (available in open access: https://doi.org/10.3390/su12041577).

Kazepov, Y., Cefalo, R. and M. Pot
2020          A social investment perspective on lifelong learning. The role of institutional complementarities in the development of human capital and social participation, in Pareira do Amaral, M. Rambla X. and S. Kovacheva (eds) Lifelong Learning Policies for Young Adults in Europe. Navigating between Knowledge and Economy, Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 43-62. (available in open access: https://bit.ly/30j4bMc).

Cuzzocrea, V. G. B. Bello and Kazepov Y. (eds.)
2020          Italian Youth in International Context. Belonging, Constraints and Opportunities Routledge: London. (available in open access: https://bit.ly/3bLY1ZY).

Oosterlynk, S. Novy A. Kazepov, Y. (eds)
2020          Local social innovation to combat poverty: a critical appraisal, Policy Press: Bristol. (https://bit.ly/2tBoTKM).

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