[Kaupunkitutkimus] Fwd: 15 PhD positions in EU H2020 Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Project Solidarities in Diversity (SOLiDi)

Sampo Ruoppila sampo.ruoppila at iki.fi
Tue Mar 2 09:32:24 EET 2021

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Lähettäjä: Stijn Oosterlynck <stijn.oosterlynck at uantwerpen.be>
Date: pe 26. helmik. 2021 klo 16.38
Subject: 15 PhD positions in EU H2020 Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Project
Solidarities in Diversity (SOLiDi)
To: <COMURB_R21 at listserv.gsu.edu>

Dear all,

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network Solidarity in
Diversity (SOLiDi) is looking for *15 Early Stage Researchers* to write a
doctoral thesis on *solidarities in diversity* and participate in an
international and interdisciplinary training network of 10 academic
beneficiaries and 23 partner organisations. ESRs will be employed for 36
months by a host institution and are required to take up academic and
non-academic secondments within the training network.

The aim of the network is to articulate a new vision on solidarity adapted
to superdiverse societies and to better equip professionals and
organisations with adequate and innovative tools for facilitating
solidarity in diversity. Through joint training events doctoral researchers
will be supported to develop innovative approaches on how to generate and
sustain solidarities across cultural boundaries, taking the proximity of
citizens with different ethnic-cultural backgrounds in specific places and
the practices they engage in as starting point and taking into account
social inequalities and uneven power relations.

The SOLiDi training program will combine in depth training on the state of
the art in sociology, geography and educational science on solidarity in
diversity with training in organizational strategies and policy-making and
public pedagogies. This combination is aimed at producing a cohort of
academically trained ‘social’ innovators, which acquire already during
their PhD training the transferable skills to translate academic insights
into social change. The starting date is 1st September 2021.

More information about the ESR projects can be found here:

The overview of the ESR vacancies and eligibility criteria  can be found
here: https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/projects/solidi/job-openings/

To apply for a specific project or position please follow the ESR links
provided on the website:

We would be grateful if you could forward notice of this opportunity to
anyone you think may have an interest.

Best wishes,

Stijn Oosterlynck and Jasna Sersic

Stijn Oosterlynck

Full Professor in Urban Sociology

Centre for Research on Environmental and Social Change (CRESC) (formerly

Chair of the Urban Studies Institute -

Scientific Director Hannah Arendt Institute for Diversity, Urbanity and
Citizenship - http://hannah-arendt.institute/

Department of Sociology, University of Antwerp, Belgium

Sint-Jacobstraat 2, 2000 Antwerpen

Office: M.384

Tel: 0032 3 2655281

E-mail: Stijn.Oosterlynck at uantwerpen.be

New publications:

Van Wymeersch, E., Vanoutrive, T. and Oosterlynck, S. (2020) 'Unravelling
the Concept of Social Transformation in Planning: Inclusion, Power Changes,
and Political Subjectification in the Oosterweel Link Road Conflict',
Planning Theory & Practice,

Goossens, C., Oosterlynck, S. and Bradt, L. (2019) ‘Livable streets? Green
gentrification and the displacement of longtime residents in Ghent,
Belgium’, *Urban Geography*,

Van Loon, J., et al. (2019) ‘Governing urban development in the Low
Countries: From managerialism to entrepreneurialism and
financialization’, *European
Urban and Regional Studies* 26(4): 400-418.

Saeys, A., Van Puymbroeck, N., Albeda, Y., Oosterlynck, S. and
Verschraegen, G. (2019) ‘From multicultural to diversity

policies: Tracing the demise of group representation and recognition in a
local urban context’, *European Urban and *

*Regional Studies*.


Cools, P. & Oosterlynck, Stijn (2019) Social service innovation and welfare
recalibration: a case study of a local training to

work trajectory in Belgium, *Innovation: The European Journal for Social
Science Research*


Van Wymeersch, E., Oosterlynck, S. and Van Outrive, T. (2019) ‘The
political ambivalences of participatory planning initiatives’, *Planning
Theory* 18(3): 359-381

       [image: logo CRESC]                                 [image:
                [image: USI_ENG_RGB]

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