[Kaupunkitutkimus] Landscapes, sociality and materiality, Helsinki, October 21–22, 2015

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Mon Feb 23 10:34:40 EET 2015


Välitetty viesti:

Uudelleenlähetetty-Lähettäjä: <sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi<mailto:sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi>>
Lähettäjä: Eeva Berglund <eeva.berglund at helsinki.fi<mailto:eeva.berglund at helsinki.fi>>
Päiväys: 23. helmikuuta 2015 9.08.11 UTC+2
Vastaanottaja: Sampo Ruoppila <sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi<mailto:sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi>>
Aihe: Landscapes, sociality and materiality, Helsinki, October 21–22, 2015


Ajattelin, että teillä siellä saattaisi olla ihmisiä joita kiinnostaisi alla oleva CFP. Olisin kiitollinen tiedon leviämisestä (deadline 15.03). Konferenssia seuraavana päivänä, 23.10.15, Helsingissä pidetään myös antropologian professori Sarah Greenin järjestämä Knots-symposiumi (josta ei vielä julkista tietoa sen enempää).



Call for papers
We cordially invite individual paper proposals which are aligned with the conference panel topics. The proposals should comprise abstracts of 250–300 words and be submitted directly to the panel convenors. Please include your university affiliation and contact information when submitting the proposal. Proposals are emailed directly to panel convenors.

Deadline for paper proposals: March 15th, 2015. Acceptance notifications will be sent by March 31st, 2015.

Cities as Moral Laboratories: material change and social movements

Local mobilizations as well as spatially diffused social movements are drawing attention to rapid change in cities everywhere, in the global South and the North, whether growing or shrinking. Grassroots and do-it-yourself urban initiatives, small-scale entrepreneurial activities and political mobilizations proliferate, actively shaping landscapes. These activities are of growing interest across the disciplines and professions, with architects, designers, community facilitators and others collaborating with social scientists like anthropologists, and often activists themselves, to address urban problems.

Particularly where change is presented not merely as progress but as inevitable or urgent – as economic good sense, religious necessity or non-negotiable response to environmental doom – questions of legitimacy and morality are highlighted. Besides informal actors, the agencies responsible for urban wellbeing are also changing. Thus, where conventional urban governance articulates with new forms of austerity, environmental fears and economic opportunity, we can talk of emerging moral landscapes.

The panel invites perspectives from anthropologists and others on these moral landscapes. Topics might include, but not be limited to: protests at neighbourhood level; ideas of modernity and growth or the commons; the expert apparatuses responsible for producing change, and how they relate to residents’ everyday needs and feelings of worth. What about how city dwellers practice, imagine and talk about ‘the normal’ in the city, about decent environments? How do cultural practices, durable features of the city and moral frameworks connect? Do moral discourses take on particular importance when other resources for creating security and viable futures appear to be dwindling?

Panel conveners:
Eeva Berglund

Pekka Tuominen

Eeva Berglund
+358 50 3076263

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