[Kaupunkitutkimus] VL: Plannord 2015 Call for papers

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Tue Feb 24 14:59:59 EET 2015

Lähettäjä: Heli Marjanen [mailto:heli.marjanen at utu.fi]
Lähetetty: 24. helmikuuta 2015 12:01
Vastaanottaja: Meri Malmari; Anna-Maija Kohijoki; Päivi Oinas
Kopio: Ruoppila Sampo
Aihe: FW: Plannord 2015 Call for papers

tiedoksenne ja eteenpäin tiedotettavaksi!


From: Mäntysalo Raine [mailto:raine.mantysalo at aalto.fi]
Sent: 24. helmikuuta 2015 9:09
To: Pelto nen Lasse; anssi.joutsiniemi at tut.fi<mailto:anssi.joutsiniemi at tut.fi>; minna.chudoba at tut.fi<mailto:minna.chudoba at tut.fi>; aulikki.herneoja at oulu.fi<mailto:aulikki.herneoja at oulu.fi>; Helena Leino; Lapintie Kimmo; Heli Marjanen; Jussi Jauhiainen; elina.eskela at helsinki.fi<mailto:elina.eskela at helsinki.fi>; toivo.muilu at luke.fi<mailto:toivo.muilu at luke.fi>; niina.kotavaara at oulu.fi<mailto:niina.kotavaara at oulu.fi>; jouni.hakli at uta.fi<mailto:jouni.hakli at uta.fi>; hannu.kyto at kuluttajatutkimuskeskus.fi<mailto:hannu.kyto at kuluttajatutkimuskeskus.fi>; Juhola Sirkku; timo.cantell at hel.fi<mailto:timo.cantell at hel.fi>; heikki.eskelinen at uef.fi<mailto:heikki.eskelinen at uef.fi>
Subject: FW: Plannord 2015 Call for papers

Hyvät ystävät,

Pyydän apuanne alla olevan Call for papersin välittämiseksi eteenpäin organisaatioissanne ja verkostoissanne.

T: Raine

Invitation and call for papers
The 7th Nordic Planning Research Symposium PLANNORD
August 20th-22nd, 2015, at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm

The biannual PLANNORD symposium this year is arranged by the Division of Urban and Regional Studies at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. PLANNORD is a platform for networking and exchange of knowledge concerning spatial planning. It is an informal forum that primarily operates in a Nordic context. It is comprised by planning academics and practitioners who gather to discuss changes in planning activities and experiences.

Crisis in planning/planning in crisis - a Nordic perspective
How can we understand the current state for spatial planning in the Nordic countries? Is planning and its institutions contested, or are we rather witnessing a revival?

The situation might be described as dual - on the one hand we can find accusations of planning as ineffective, inappropriate to meet contemporary challenges and needs, invalid in a market driven society and thus as an institution with low legitimacy; on the other hand as essential and preventive in meeting problems caused by climate change, urbanisation, segregation or insufficient transport systems. It is also sometimes considered as a driver of growth and sustainable development. Planning could thus be seen both as causing the problem and as the solution to the problem.

Currently we can detect partly different trends in the Nordic countries, due to changes in policies, legal systems and practice. Can we talk about Nordic planning as something with common conditions and interests?

We welcome papers from researchers, practitioners and PhD-students, elaborating on the overall theme of the symposium with special focus on the impact the on-going development may have on planning research, education, practice or/and the role of planner in a Nordic context.

Send abstracts of maximum 350 words to plannord2015 at kth.se<mailto:plannord2015 at kth.se>
Deadline March 31st.

See www.plannord.dk/<http://www.plannord.dk/> for more information.

For PhD-students, the symposium will be valid as 3 credits if

*         a full paper is submitted,

*         attendance of the full program of the conference is fulfilled, and

*         you participate in the special pre-symposium PhD-workshop (9-12 on August 20th.)

Practical information
Time: 20-22 August
Venue: KTH Campus, (8 minutes from Stockholm central station)
Language: The symposium will be in English, but abstract and papers might be in a Nordic language (not valid for PhD-course participants)
Full papers maximum length: 6000 words.
Documentation: All accepted abstracts from registered participants will be collected and distributed to the participants at the symposium.

Important dates
Deadline Abstracts: March 31st
Notification accepted abstracts: April 15th
Full papers: August 1st
Registration open: April 15th-June 30th

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