[Kaupunkitutkimus] Helsinki Summer School course - The Welfare City

Jussi Kulonpalo jussi.kulonpalo at helsinki.fi
Mon Feb 23 09:36:41 EET 2015

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Helsinki Summer School course - The Welfare City
Date: 	Thu, 19 Feb 2015 12:50:14 +0100
From: 	Giacomo Bottà <giacomo.botta at gmail.com>
To: 	giacomo.botta at helsinki.fi

Dear all,

Usual apologies for cross-posting.

I am coordinating a course called The Welfare City (6 ECTS) at the 
Helsinki Summer School next summer, from the 4^th to the 20^th of 
August, 2015. I would greatly appreciate it if you could forward this 
information to anyone who might be interested.

The course takes a look at the welfare city as a sustainable model of 
urban development. A welfare city, such as Helsinki, promotes the 
wellbeing of its citizens, sustains a balance between the needs of both 
nature and the people, and responds to social and ecological awareness 
alike. Or does it? The course uses lectures, workshops and excursions in 
Helsinki to examine what makes the Finnish capital a welfare city.

Helsinki Summer School offers fully credited, research-based courses for 
students and graduates, as well as accommodation and social programme.

More information on the course can be found here 

For more information on the Helsinki Summer School, please go to 


Giacomo Bottà

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