[Kaupunkitutkimus] FW: PhD Studentships available at Glasgow

Hannu Ruonavaara hanruona at utu.fi
Wed Jan 18 16:22:56 EET 2012



Hannu Ruonavaara
Department of Social Research/Sociology
20014 University of Turku

tel. +358-2-333 5382

-----Original Message-----
From: enhr-all-members-bounces at lists.tudelft.nl [mailto:enhr-all-members-bounces at lists.tudelft.nl] On Behalf Of ENHR
Sent: 18. tammikuuta 2012 16:07
Subject: PhD Studentships available at Glasgow

Dear ENHR colleagues, 

please find attached information on two fully funded PhD studentships (Urban Studies) available at University of Glasgow from next September.

Best wishes,

ENHR Office
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