[Kaupunkitutkimus] FW: ENHR 2012 congress website is now open!

Hannu Ruonavaara hanruona at utu.fi
Wed Jan 18 11:02:01 EET 2012



Hannu Ruonavaara
Department of Social Research/Sociology
20014 University of Turku

tel. +358-2-333 5382

From: enhr-all-members-bounces at lists.tudelft.nl [mailto:enhr-all-members-bounces at lists.tudelft.nl] On Behalf Of ENHR
Sent: 17. tammikuuta 2012 17:10
Subject: ENHR 2012 congress website is now open!
Importance: High

Dear ENHR members,

I am pleased to let you know that the website of the ENHR 2012 congress is now open for registration and paper submission.

Please visit: www.congrex.no/enhr2012<http://www.congrex.no/enhr2012>

Kind regards,

Kim Scheffelaar
ENHR Office

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