[H-verkko] Helsinki, Vierailuluento dokumenttielokuvasta ja ympäristöstä

agricola at utu.fi agricola at utu.fi
Ma Tammi 23 14:48:31 EET 2017

Agricolan tapahtumakalenteriin on lähetetty uusi ilmoitus:

Vierailuluento dokumenttielokuvasta ja ympäristöstä

Helsinki, Unioninkatu 34
27.1.2017 klo 16:00

Tutkija, tuottaja ja ohjaaja Dafydd Sills-Jones Aberystwythin yliopiston
teatterin, elokuvan ja television tutkimuksen laitokselta Walesista vierailee
Helsingin yliopistossa torstaina 26.1.2017. Luentonsa koskee kokeellista
dokumenttielokuvaa Y Gors, jota hän ollut mukana tekemässä. Elokuva pyrkii
elokuvallisin ja musiikillisin keinoin herättämään veteen liittyvää
ympäristötietoisuutta. Luento pitää sisällään elokuvaesityksen, luennon
ja keskustelua.  

Paikka: Helsingin yliopiston päärakennus AUD II, 2krs, Unioninkatu 34

Aika: To 26.1.2017, klo 16:00–18:00

Luennon abstrakti:

Y Gors

Dafydd Sill-Jones (Aberystwyth University)

This is a film about Cors Fochno near Borth in West Wales, one of the largest
raised bogs in the UK, and the reaction of local people to its existence.
Through it the makers seek to examine the tensions between documentary
production proce- dures, and community collaboration. The film in question –
'Y Gors' [The Bog] – was made as part of the AHRC funded 'Hydrocitizenship'
project, and in conjunction with a community group, in this case a local choir
names after the bog, 'Côr Y Gors'. These links exacerbate the pre-existing
issue native to all documentaries, of a tension between 'directorial' author-
ship, and the authorship invested in contribution and collaboration. This
film’ s research questions originated in discussions about how to approach the
basic dichotomy of documentary – its simultaneous claim on the real and its
constructed nature – in a specific project context through the use of a
specifically written musical soundscape. These were heightened by the potential
for polemic and controversy in a topic invested with conflict; farmer vs
ecologist; local vs incomer, Welsh vs English; human vs nature. One central
hypothesis in this project was that musical structures might enable a film to
carry the weight of coherence without resorting to the apparatus of the realist
documentary. In turn such musical structures could also avoid alienating the
community collaborators by appealing 'over their heads' to an cosmo-elite art
audience. It did this by experimenting with the filmmaking process, by placing
musical composition at the heart of editorial decision making processes.


Tämä ilmoitus on luettavissa Agricola-verkossa osoitteessa

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