[H-verkko] CFP: Interactive borderland? Re-thinking networks and organizations in Europe

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Ke Helmi 4 16:18:14 EET 2015

Agricolan artikkelipyyntöihin on lähetetty uusi ilmoitus:
Interactive borderland? Re-thinking networks and organizations in Europe
Greifswaldin, Lundin ja Tarton yliopistojen yhteinen tutkimusryhmä "Baltic
Borderlands: Shifting Boundaries of Mind and Culture in the Borderlands of the
Baltic Sea Region” järjestää vuosittaisen konferenssinsa 25.-26.9.2015
Riiassa. Konferenssiin, jonka otsikko on "Interactive borderland? Re-thinking
networks and organizations in Europe", toivotaan esitysehdotuksia eri
tieteenalojen edustajilta 15.3.2015 mennessä. Konferenssin työkielenä on
englanti. Lisätietoja oheisessa konferenssikutsussa sekä nettisivuilta
https://interactiveborderland.wordpress.com/ ja


Call for Papers:

The International Research Training Group (IRTG) “Baltic Borderlands: Shifting
Boundaries of Mind and Culture in the Borderlands of the Baltic Sea Region”, a
collaborative programme between the universities of Greifswald, Lund and Tartu,
invites papers, which examine the interaction and flows of people and their
impact on current and historical spaces. Hereby, the borderland is a result of
omnipresent intergroup and cultural interaction. We understand the borderland as
present wherever people of different cultures meet (Anzaldúa, 1987: preface).
The scope of the borderland goes beyond the territorial dimension to encompass
mental and cultural interaction in abstract space. Since local and regional
borderland areas serve as spaces of early adoption, of innovation and initiative
for processes of trans-regional change and integration (Anderson/O´Dowd/Wilson,
2003; Pavlakovich-Kochi/Morehouse/Wastl-Walter, 2004), we like to focus on these
processes in geographical and symbolic borderlands and the impact of these
processes on network and organisation constructions in Europe.

Whilst our understanding of spaces and their construction is predominately
geographical, we assume that the active creation of networks and organizational
structures depend very much on social and cultural interactions which create,
draw, dissolve and redraw borders. Therefore, it is worth redirecting the focus
towards these processes of networking and organizing which have a considerable
impact on the nature, form and size of the borderland and adjacent “larger
entities such as empires, nations, or global networks” (Hämäläinen/ Truett,
2011: 358).

We therefore invite papers, which deal with intellectual, artistic, theological,
political, historical, literary, economic, etc. networks and organisations,
which had a considerable impact on the structural, regional and trans-regional
development of Europe through the eyes of these networks and organisations. For
instance, possible papers could deal with migrating intellectuals, or artists
between east and west, or north and south, shaping cultural perceptions and
production processes attached to spatial perceptions. Furthermore, questions
about the rise and decline of companies, organisations, and networks in times of
transition and redefinition of space from the Hansa to the current Ukrainian
crisis can be considered to stress the importance of interactions in the

We invite scholars, young researchers and doctoral students from humanities and
social sciences to submit abstracts in English of no more than 300 words and a
short biographical note until 15 March 2015 to:
waterproj12[at]uni-greifswald.de. Applicants will be notified by 15 April 2015.

The conference is organised by the doctoral students of the IRTG Baltic

Ilmoituksen lähetti: Maare Paloheimo <paloheimot at uni-greifswald.de>
Ilmoitus vanhentuu: 16.3.2015
Lisätietoja WWW-osoitteesta: https://interactiveborderland.wordpress.com/