[Antiquitas] kirjurityöpaja/workshop on scribal language use

Dahlgren, Sonja A K sonja.dahlgren at helsinki.fi
Ma Huhti 26 13:52:00 EEST 2021

Hei kaikille! (Pahoittelut päällekkäisistä postauksista; English below)

Mainostan etukäteen PapyGreek-projektin 14.5. järjestämää työpajaa, joka käsittelee kirjurien (=kirjoittajien) vaikutusta kieleen keskiajan ja antiikin teksteissä. Työpaja on avoin kaikille ja järjestetään etätapahtumana Zoomissa; minulta saa halutessaan Zoom-linkin sähköpostia vastaan; sonja.dahlgren at helsinki.fi. Ohessa puhujalista ja ohjelma tiedoksenne. Kutsua saa mielellään levittää!


Dear all, (Apologies for multiple postings)

I am advertising a workshop organised on 14th May by the project PapyGreek on scribal (= writers') influence on language use in the texts coming from Middle Ages and Antiquity. The workshop will take place in Zoom and is open to everyone; if you are interested in participating, please email me for the Zoom link: sonja.dahlgren at helsinki.fi. Below is the list of speakers and the programme for your information. Feel free to circulate the invitation!

Parhain terveisin/Best wishes
Sonja Dahlgren (projektin puolesta/on behalf of the project).


Scribal influence on language use, University of Helsinki (online), 14th May 2021

9.00-9.30         Martti Leiwo (UH): Hands and language in ostraka letters from Roman Egypt

9.30-10.00       Sonja Dahlgren (UH): Some remarks on language attitudes and scribal style:

Comparison of Egyptian Greek and Medieval English text production practices

10.00-10.30     Marja Vierros (UH): Who is the author, who is the writer? Some remarks on

authorship attribution metrics within Greek texts from Egypt

10.30-10.45 Break

10.45-11.15     Marika Pulkkinen (UH): The Role of Secretarial Aid of Scribes in Formation of Paul's Letters

11.15-11.45     Tommi Alho (UT): Ligatures in Humanist Greek

11.45-12.15     Timo Korkiakangas (UH): Intra-Writer Variation in Early Medieval Latin

Documents of Italy 13.15-13.45

12.15-13.15 Lunch

13.15-13.45     Aino Liira (UT): Text and paratext: scribal roles in the production of the Middle English Polychronicon manuscripts

13.45-14.30     Tanja Säily (UH), invited speaker: Variation and change in individual

writers of early English letters

14.30-15.15     Matti Peikola (UT), invited speaker: Applying knowledge of scribal

practices to the study of early printed texts: some examples from 16th-century England

15.15-15.30 Break

15.30-16.00     Aleksi Mäkilähde (UT): Code-switching and visual foregrounding: Notes on

the Orationes manuscript (Canterbury Cathedral Archives Lit. MS E41)

16.00-16.30     Saara Kauppinen (UH): Dialogue markers in Greek verse inscriptions

16.30-17.00 Final discussion

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