[Antiquitas] Two guest lectures: Roman everyday life & Identity and experiencing the past
Ville Vuolanto (TAU)
ville.vuolanto at tuni.fi
Ti Marras 15 13:02:20 EEST 2019
Two guest lectures in connection with the opening of the Ostia, Gateway to Rome -exhibition in Tampere:
Wednesday October 30th, University of Tampere, PinniB 4113, 10 - 12.30
10.15 Prof. Christian Laes (University of Manchester) Inscriptions and Roman social history: encountering 'the common people'
11.30 Prof. Marxiano Melotti (Università degli studi Niccolò Cusano) Between past and present. The liminal identity of Ostia
Christian Laes is an ancient historian, specialized on the childhood, family and disability history: https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/christian.laes.html
Marxiano Melotti is a cultural anthropologist, specialized on cultural heritage, tourism, and the use of the past: the https://unicusano.academia.edu/MarxianoMelotti
The guest lecture seminar is organized by History/Faculty of Social Sciences and Trivium - Tampere Centre for Classical, Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Tampere University
More information/lisätietoja: Ville Vuolanto ville.vuolanto at tuni.fi<mailto:ville.vuolanto at tuni.fi>
The Ostia -exhibition opens Friday, November 1st: see http://vapriikki.fi/en/nayttelyt/ostia-the-gate-to-rome/; information: Marjo Meriluoto-Jaakkola Marjo.Meriluoto at tampere.fi<mailto:Marjo.Meriluoto at tampere.fi>
Huomaa myös Ostia -näyttelyn avajaisiin liittyvä popularisoiva seminaari:
Please note also a popularizing seminar connected with the opening of the Ostia exhibition:
Ostia, portti Roomaan - Kulttuurien kohtaamisia / Ostia, Gateway to Rome - Cultural Encounters
Museokeskus Vapriikki, Tampere, lauantai 2.11 2019
Marjo Meriluoto, Vapriikki
Arja Karivieri, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, Suomen Rooman-instituutti
Mariarosaria Barbera, Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica, Ostia Antican arkeologinen alue
Paola Catalano,
Studi antropologici su Ostia e Roma/ Luututkimuksen mahdollisuudet
Ray Laurence,
Paving stones in Ostia/Katukivien kertomaa
13.30-15.30 Lounastauko ja opastettuja kierroksia näyttelyyn/ Lunch break and guided tours to the exhibition
Ria Berg,
Huppupäinen muukalainen - ulkomaalaiset Ostian kuvamaailmassa
Ghislaine van der Ploeg,
The Manager of the Carthaginian Ships in Ostia Antica/ Karthagolaisten laivojen valvoja Ostia Anticassa
Marja-Leena Hänninen,
Idän jumalat ja heidän palvojansa Ostiassa ja sen satamassa
Raimo T. Hakola,
Kulttuurisia kohtaamisia Galileassa ja Ostiassa
Katariina Mustakallio,
Museokeskus Vapriikki, Tampereen kaupunki
Academy of Finland funded project Segregated or Integrated? Living and Dying in the harbour city of Ostia, 300 BCE - 700 CE
Trivium - Tampere Centre for Classical, Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Institutum Romanum Finlandiae
Lisätietoja/ More information: Tuire.Hanninen at tampere.fi<mailto:Tuire.Hanninen at tampere.fi>; karivieri at irfrome.org<mailto:karivieri at irfrome.org>
Ville Vuolanto
PhD, Senior Lecturer in Latin (locum tenens)
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Tampere, Finland
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