[Antiquitas] Seminar and workshop with Virginia Burrus

Asikainen, H J Susanna susanna.asikainen at helsinki.fi
Pe toukokuu 3 12:33:23 EEST 2019

Dear all,

Virginia Burrus (Syracuse University) will be visiting the University of Helsinki May 15–16, 2019. She will offer two events:

1. Workshop: Late Ancient Feminist Exegesis? The Life of Saint Helia on Wed, May 15th (2–4 pm) at the Faculty of Theology Hall (Vuorikatu 3, 5th floor)

  *   Please preregister here<https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/97406/lomake.html> by Wed, May 8th to get a copy of the English translation of The Life of Saint Helia

2. Seminar: Recognition of the Non-Human on Thu, May 16 (12–4 pm) at Kielikeskus (Fabianinkatu 26, 2nd floor, Room 204)

  *   For catering purposes, please preregister here<https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/97509/lomake.html> by Mon, May 13th

You are cordially welcome to both events!

Best wishes,

Susanna Asikainen

Susanna Asikainen

Post-doctoral researcher

Lived Scriptures in Late Antiquity


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