[Antiquitas] antiikin runouden tanssi

ilias at sci.fi ilias at sci.fi
Wed Jun 25 17:53:53 EEST 2008

The 22nd World Dance Congress will be held  2nd-6th July 2008 at the Dora Stratou Dance Theatre,Philopappou Hill and at the Electra Palace Hotel, Plaka, Athens (www.orchesis-portal.org/cdr/  and click on program). They have asked for further publicity in participant countries.

Welcome to a preview of my talk "Dancing in Homer and Dancing to Homer", with DVD illustration, at the British School at Athens, Monday 30th June 6.30pm or to the actual "research report" at the Electra Palace Hotel, Plaka, on Friday 4th July at 11.20 am.

Stephen Evans

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