[Antiquitas] Fwd: [PAPY] Chair of Classical Archaeology in Geneva

Marja Vierros marja.vierros at helsinki.fi
Thu Jun 19 11:40:40 EEST 2008

Anteeksi ristiinpostitukset, mutta ilmoitus kiinnostanee antiquitas-

The University of Geneva is seeking applications for a Professorship in
Classical Archaeology (following the retirement of Prof. Jean-Paul
Descoeudres in 2009). For more detail, please check the annoucement on
the website of the University (page 5 of the follwing pdf).


----- Edelleenlähetetty viesti päättyy -----

Marja Vierros

Institutum Classicum
PL 4 (Kluuvikatu 7)
FIN-00014 Universitas Helsingiensis

tel. +358 9 191 22171
fax. +358 9 191 22161

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