[Kaupunkitutkimus] Guest lectures on hip hop culture and rap music 29.8.2023

Sampo Ruoppila sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi
Thu Aug 24 15:27:09 EEST 2023

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Lähettäjä: Erica Åberg <erica.m.aberg at utu.fi>
Aihe: Guest lectures on hip hop culture and rap music 29.8.2023
Päivämäärä: 24. elokuuta 2023 klo 10.38.38 UTC+3
Vastaanottaja: Sosiaalitieteet <sosiaalitieteet at utu.fi>

Dear colleagues,

I warmly welcome you to a guest lecture by two visiting scholars Andrea Dankić (Umeå University, Sweden) & Elina Westinen (University of Jyväskylä).

Time: 29 August 2023 at 10.00 AM -12.00 AM
Place: Seminar room Pub 168

Andrea Dankić (PhD) is a University Lecturer in Ethnology at Umeå University, Sweden. Dankić’s research interests include musical practice, creative processes, knowledge production and power structures, mainly focusing on hip-hop.

Elina Westinen (PhD) works as a postdoctoral researcher in an ERC project MUSICONNECT - Music as youth empowerment. Her work focuses on the role and meaning of music in the daily lives of young people. Previously, she has explored ethnicity and belonging in Finnish hip hop culture and rap music.

Following the lecture, Andrea will discuss the research methods she has employed in her studies. This session will take place in Seminar Room PUB368 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM.

Best wishes,

Erica Åberg
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