[Kaupunkitutkimus] Uppsala Urban Lecture (zoom): Streets of Gold – The role of geography in immigrant assimilation in the United States

Sampo Ruoppila sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi
Mon May 10 15:41:39 EEST 2021

Lähettäjä: Ulrika Wahlberg <ulrika.wahlberg at ibf.uu.se<mailto:ulrika.wahlberg at ibf.uu.se>>
Lähetetty: maanantai 10. toukokuuta 2021 14.19
Vastaanottaja: Alla (ALLIBF-L at listserv.uu.se<mailto:ALLIBF-L at listserv.uu.se>)
Aihe: Digital Lecture: Streets of Gold – The role of geography in immigrant assimilation in the United States

invitation: digital lecture on zoom
leah platt boustan, princeton university
Streets of Gold – The role of geography in immigrant assimilation in the United States

Leah Platt Boustan, professor of Economics at Princeton University, will hold the tenth Uppsala Lecture in Housing and Urban Research.
Due to the Corona pandemic, the lecture Streets of gold will be held as a digital event via Zoom. Please pre-register via the link below.


DATE: Wednesday 19 May at 15.00

Registration: http://doit.medfarm.uu.se/kurt20495 <http://doit.medfarm.uu.se/kurt20495>


About the Lecture
The United States has absorbed two major waves of immigration: one in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, and one today. We document a similar pattern of immigrant assimilation in both periods, whereby the first generation do not completely converge with the earnings of the US-born, but their children do. Location choice plays an important role: immigrants move to states and urban areas that offer opportunities for advancement for themselves and their children. Settling in an immigrant enclave can delay assimilation, but this effect is overwhelmed by the strong tendency of immigrants to move to highly mobile areas.
About Leah Platt Boustan
Leah Platt Boustan is a Professor of Economics at Princeton University, where she is the incoming Director of the Industrial Relations Section. She also co-directs the Development of the American Economy Program at the National Bureau of Economic Research, and serves as co-editor at the Journal of Urban Economics. Professor Platt Boustan was honored to win the IZA Young Labor Economist Award in 2019.
More information: Please visit our website https://www.ibf.uu.se/seminars-and-lectures/uppsala-lecture/

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