[Kaupunkitutkimus] New publication: The Narrative Turn in Urban Planning - Plotting the Helsinki Waterfront (Routledge 2020)

Lieven Ameel (TAU) lieven.ameel at tuni.fi
Fri Nov 20 09:29:44 EET 2020

Out now: my book The Narrative Turn in Urban Planning: Plotting the Helsinki Waterfront (Routledge 2020).

What constitutes a story in the context of urban planning, and what doesn’t? What Helsinki waterfront area was briefly conceptualized as “woman city”? Did a prominent developer really claim that “segregation is good”? Why is the sledge hill in Jätkäsaari not a sledge hill? This and much more in The Narrative Turn in Urban Planning!

>From the generous preface by James A. Throgmorton:
“… I enthusiastically welcome the publication of Lieven Ameel’s new book. … his project takes past work on stories and storytelling a big step forward. Claiming “there is no comprehensive study of how narrative – and concepts from narrative and literary theory more broadly – can enrich planning and policy,” he has crafted his book to serve as the first go-to text for students and researchers who engage with urban planning in terms of narratives. He asks: (1) What is meant, exactly, when we speak of narratives in urban planning? (2) What kind of typologies can we begin to draw up? And (3) how does a narrative analysis unpack different, always politicized, visions of a better future city? With this focus and set of questions in mind, he draws upon methods and concepts from literary studies, narratology, and rhetoric. He defines key concepts, offers a functional typology of different types of planning narratives, and applies those concepts and theories to two case studies from contemporary planning for Helsinki’s waterfront.”
More information:

With very best wishes

Lieven Ameel

PS Interested in writing a review? I’d be happy to provide you with a copy!

Dr., docent Lieven Ameel

University Lecturer
Co-editor of the Palgrave Series in Literary Urban Studies

Latest publication:https://www.routledge.com/The-Narrative-Turn-in-Urban-Planning-Plotting-the-Helsinki-Waterfront/Ameel/p/book/9780367555856

blog: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/urbannarratives/

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