[Kaupunkitutkimus] Tenure Track position in regional development and innovation policy

Helka Kalliomäki helka.kalliomaki at uwasa.fi
Wed May 27 08:06:28 EEST 2020

Hei, meillä on Vaasassa juuri avattu mielenkiintoinen tenure track -tehtävä, alla tarkempaa tietoa kiinnostuneille!

yt. Helka Kalliomäki?

?Dear all,

We at the University of Vaasa in Finland are now inviting applications for a Tenure track position in regional development and innovation policy. For the successful applicant this position offers an excellent opportunity to build a multifaceted academic career in a dynamic and international environment.

The position is based in the School of Management and connected to the multidisciplinary research platform InnoLab.

More information: https://uva.rekrytointi.com/paikat/index.php?jid=448&key=&o=A_RJ&rspvt=iiyx75y5k2048wcg8so0cg4gc0s4c4c

Dl for the applications is 3.8.2020.

We look forward to your applications!

Kind regards,

Helka Kalliomäki

Helka Kalliomäki
Assistant Professor
School of Management/Regional Studies
University of Vaasa
PL 700, 65101 Vaasa
helka.kalliomaki at uwasa.fi

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