[Kaupunkitutkimus] 2 PhD Scholarships in European Urban Studies - Urban Housing, at Bauhaus-University Weimar

Sampo Ruoppila sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi
Fri Dec 13 14:01:03 EET 2019

Call for Applications

International Doctorate Programme “European Urban Studies” - Research Focus –  Urban Housing and Forms of Living

at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Institute for European Urban Studies
In cooperation with the DAAD “Graduate School Scholarship Programme”

Application deadline: January 31st, 2020
Programme start: October 1st, 2020
Scholarship: DAAD scholarship available for two selected doctorate students

Research Areas
With this call, the International Doctorate Programme “European Urban Studies” is concentrating on research projects within one of the following research areas:

- Housing Policy and Urban Development
At the focus of this research area is social housing provision and how it is developing in the context of a transformation to the welfare state and urban development. Research projects will be considered which look at the functional, institutional and urban-spatial transformation of social housing planning.

- Housing Forms and Social Diversity
Research should focus both on particular social groups’ specific needs with respect to housing forms, as well as on inquiries into innovative housing concepts.

- Urban Landscape Living
Urban landscapes are explored as complex, socioeconomic and ecological patterns of relations. This research focus aims to find future-oriented and landscape-related housing and forms of living in the context of current urban landscapes, as well as sustainable forms of urban development and city-regional development based in use of open space and landscapes.

- Housing, urban renewal and heritage
This research area focuses on contemporary urban redevelopment projects with a focus on housing. On the one hand this might comprise an analysis of the socio-spatial and urbanistic, the political and housing policy contexts and effects; on the other hand, questions on how to deal with existing urban structures and on the discursive (re-)negotiation of urban heritage shall be explored.

Participating Chairs
Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt (Coordinating Chair), Urban Studies and Social Research
Prof. Dr. Barbara Schönig, Urban Planning
Prof. Dr. Sigrun Langner, Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Daniela Zupan, European Cities and Urban Heritage

Please find more information here: https://www.uni-weimar.de/en/architecture-and-urbanism/institutes/ifeu/academic-programmes/doctoral-studies/european-urban-studies-ipp-eu<https://www.uni-weimar.de/en/architecture-and-urbanism/institutes/ifeu/academic-programmes/doctoral-studies/european-urban-studies-ipp-eu/>

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