[Kaupunkitutkimus] PhD Workshop on Urban and Regional Studies 28.11. at 13-17 in Turku

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Tue Oct 15 21:59:28 EEST 2019

PhD Workshop on Urban and Regional Studies

Date and time: 28.11.2019 at 13-17

Venue: Hub Turku

The project "Transformative strategic urban development - The interplay of competitiveness and collaboration?" (a joint project between Turku & Aalto Universities, funded from the Turku Urban Research Programme) organizes a PhD workshop on 28 November. We would like to invite all interested PhD students to join this exciting afternoon!

The workshop is led by the international group of academics specialized in urban and regional studies: Dominic Stead (Delft University of Technology), Daniel Galland (Norwegian University of Life Sciences), Peter Schmitt and Lukas Smas (University of Stockholm), and Moa Tunström (Nordregio).

We invite all interested PhD candidates to present their work in the workshop, and to discuss about the joys and hurdles related to the PhD process.

Please let us know (helka.kalliomaki at uwasa.fi<mailto:helka.kalliomaki at uwasa.fi>) by 31 October if you would be interested in presenting your work, and please submit also a short abstract describing your thesis.


Hope to see you soon!

On behalf of the research team,

Helka Kalliomäki

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