[Kaupunkitutkimus] VL: Stories in the Field - Off the Beaten Track

Sampo Ruoppila sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi
Wed Mar 27 10:15:46 EET 2019


Lähettäjä: Expeditions, Research in Applied Anthropology <info at anthropologyfieldschool.org>
Lähetetty: 26. maaliskuuta 2019 16:32
Vastaanottaja: Hannu Ruonavaara
Aihe: Stories in the Field - Off the Beaten Track

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Over the years the Off the Beaten Track field school<https://www.anthropologyfieldschool.org> on Gozo (Malta) has touched on many themes and topics<https://www.anthropologyfieldschool.org/info/optionalcourses/optionalcourses.html> that shed light on innovative methods of interpretation and representation in the field. For our 2019 sessions, I am delighted to announce the development of a new collaborative research focus on storytelling and creative ethnographic forms. Feel free to share this information with students and peers.

Stemming from a personal interest in creative writing and a growing awareness over the years of the complicated nature of fieldwork and notes writing, I have begun using creative observational, writing and narrating techniques in my own interactions with informants, as well as in my fieldnotes and personal reflections. This has not only made me more self-aware of my own engagements with the field, but also put me in better touch with modes of representation and interaction that may ultimately be incorporated in the stories we tell (and write) about the field later on.

Under the working title "Stories in the Field: Methods in Creative Ethnographic Journaling<https://www.anthropologyfieldschool.org/resources/MSS19-folder/Writing-Project2019.pdf>" this unit aims to reassess the themes of storytelling and creativity as they relate to our observations in and experiences of the field, interpreted broadly. We will approach these goals through three approaches that can be applied to any variety of research project or personal development. The primary goal is to improve our understanding of how these methods can guide fieldwork engagements and especially our field notes. Participants are welcome to attend any gatherings and exercises that interest them, but it is certainly not a requirement to be involved in all.

Please feel free to contact me in relation to this specific project or if you are interested in discussing the use of these methods in any of your own work. Looking forward to hearing from you and possibly meeting you in Gozo.

Hannah Howard
Boston University
hghoward at bu.edu

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