[Kaupunkitutkimus] Esitelmä "Narrative Models for Action in the Submerged City" Åbo Akademin PREMIS -tutkijaseminaarissa 31.10.

Lieven Ameel lieven.ameel at utu.fi
Wed Oct 24 14:00:32 EEST 2018

Hei kaikki,

Tervetuloa 31.10 Åbo Akademin PREMIS -tutkijaseminaariin, jossa esittelen tutkimustani kaupungeista rannalla!

t. Lieven


The Literary Research Seminar of the English Department at Åbo Akademi University
16-18, 31 October 2018, Helikon (A202), Arken

Narrative Models for Action in the Submerged City.
Mitigation, adaptation, and retreat in 10:04, Odds Against Tomorrow, Let Me Be Frank With You and New York 2140

Mitigation, adaptation, and retreat are key terms in environmental studies and climate policy. In environmental humanities, there has been little systematic research of how cultural narratives present the possibility, necessity, or desirability of acts to mitigate, adapt to, or retreat from the effects of radical climate change. This paper examines narrative models for action in the face of rising sea levels in four contemporary literary texts set at the New York and New Jersey shores: Ben Lerner’s 10:04, Nathaniel Rich’s Odds Against Tomorrow, Richard Ford’s Let Me Be Frank With You, and Kim Stanley Robinson’s New York 2140. Literary fiction will be juxtaposed also with planning and policy texts, and New York City’s A Stronger, more Resilient New York (2013), in particular. I will argue that, in contrast to climate science and policy, literary fiction tends to emphasize future adaptation and retreat above mitigating measures. But I also look at how literary texts, in terms of their formal features, adapt and retreat vis-a-vis radical future challenges. This talk is part of a broader research project on imagined futures of cities at the water.

Dr., docent Lieven Ameel
Adjunct professor, Urban Studies and Planning Methods (Tampere University of Technology)
Senior Research Fellow (Turku Institute of Advanced Studies, 2018-2020)
Co-editor of the Palgrave Series in Literary Urban Studies
Latest book publication: Literary Second Cities
blog: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/urbannarratives/
follow me on twitter: @lievenameel

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