[Kaupunkitutkimus] VL: Apply now: Localized Learning of Urban Planning and Policy in the Baltic Sea Region (6 ECTS)

Sampo Ruoppila sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi
Thu Aug 16 13:12:36 EEST 2018


Vinkatkaa tästä kurssista lahjakkaille maisterivaiheen kaupunkitutkimuksen opiskelijoillenne. Kiitos!


Lähettäjä: Sampo Ruoppila
Lähetetty: 16. elokuuta 2018 13:11
Vastaanottaja: Kaupunkitutkimus.opiskelijat - kaup.tutk.-opiskelijat; Slista - Sosiaalitieteiden klubi ry:n tiedotus- ja keskustelulista; Sospol-opiskelijat - Sosiaalipolitiikan opiskelijat; Valtio-opin pääaineopiskelijat; Poliittinen historia - pääaineopiskelijat; maantiede at lists.utu.fi; Humanistinen tiedekunta - Info; blackswansfsst at gmail.com; t-klubi-hallitus at utu.fi; HKT opiskelijat; nams-opiskelijat at utu.fi; fse at abo.fi; infovetstuderande at abo.fi
Kopio: Yhteiskuntatieteellisen tiedekunnan opintosihteerit
Aihe: Apply now: Localized Learning of Urban Planning and Policy in the Baltic Sea Region (6 ECTS)

Apply now:

Localized Learning of Urban Planning and Policy in the Baltic Sea Region (6 ECTS)


The urban studies "hands-on course" will provide the students with theoretical and practical guidance on multidisciplinary planning practice put in use in a particular place. The approach enables the selected Master's students to obtain new, but also put in practice their already acquired skills in defining urban problems and solutions - negotiating them in multi-disciplinary and multi-national groups.

This year, the topic is how to enhance the physical, cultural, narrative etc. connection between the central Turku and the adjacent archipelago. Benefitting from the distinctive natural surroundings is a strategic aim of the local municipality, but there are no agreed measures how the goal should be obtained. Rather there is a need for clever ideas and initiatives "how to", which the student teams may deliver.

The course includes an obligatory pre-seminar (11.9. and 28.9.) and an intensive course week in Turku 29.9.-6.10.2018. The latter is a true 24/7 experience: do not plan any other activity during that week.

This is a joint-course of University of Latvia (Spatial Planning Professional Masters' Study Programme), Urban Institute Riga, Estonian University of Life Sciences (Department of Landscape Architecture), and University of Turku (Urban Studies). The course will have altogether 36 students. The course is funded by the Nordplus Higher Education Programme.

The enrolment has started. Apply with this link by Monday the 3rd September 2018 at 3 pm: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/Participation/Public/b748c08e-e89d-40dc-9702-5e0ee9a82f8c?displayId=Fin1568733

Participants (12 from Turku) will be selected based on their application. Both students from University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University can apply.

Students of the 2016 course share their experiences here (in Finnish, but translation programmes work): http://urbanstudies.utu.fi/kaupunkikehitysta-harjoittelemassa-latviassa/

The course is part of Urban Studies Minor (25-35 ECTS) at University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University: https://opas.peppi.utu.fi/fi/tutkinto-ohjelma/7866


Dr Sampo Ruoppila
Research Director (urban studies)
University of Turku, Department of Social Research
Turku Urban Research Programme

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