[Kaupunkitutkimus] Contested Planning, Persuasive Storytelling 15.8.

Sampo Ruoppila sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi
Mon Jun 25 17:44:11 EEST 2018

15.08.2018, 10-16
Helsinki, Aalto University Töölö campus G-111
with Jim Throgmorton

Jim Throgmorton is Professor Emeritus of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Iowa. He has authored the groundbreaking “Planning as persuasive storytelling” that has inspired generations of planning academics and practitioners alike. His academic work concerns planning theory, persuasive storytelling, and the rhetorics of planning practice. Planning for sustainable places, history of urban and regional planning as well as innovative approaches to resolving conflicts are also amongst his academic interests. For his insights, he draws on his broad experience as a planner, a consultant, a researcher, an elected city councilman, and a human rights and environmental advocate.

Venue & programme outline
Hall G-111, Chydenia, Runeberginkatu 22-24
10-12 keynote by Jim Throgmorton
13-16 researcher presentations & discussions
Lieven Ameel, Turku Institute for Advanced Studies 
Kaisa Granqvist, Aalto University
Salla Jokela, University of Helsinki
Mikko Kyrönviita & Antti Wallin, University of Tampere Sessions chaired by
Helena Leino, University of Tampere and Raine Mäntysalo, Aalto University
“Discussing conflict and its potential resolution means discerning how particular arguments are constructed, how those arguments are linked to larger narratives, and how those narratives often tend to obscure or ignore the potential merits of other arguments and narratives.”

SCENSLECO Strategic spatial planning with momentum gaining scenario storytelling: legitimacy contested?
Aalto University & University of Tampere
Academy of Finland -funded research project 2016-2019

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