[Kaupunkitutkimus] Doctoral course 16.-17.5. in Turku: Knowledge co-creation in the urban context: insights from American Pragmatism and arts-based/design methodologies

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Tue May 3 13:02:54 EEST 2016

** Please register by sending me an e-mail by the end of this week! **

Dear PhD students and other people interested in urban studies topics,

You are welcome to join Professor’s Mihaela Kelemen’s modul at urban studies PhD course Contemporary Urban Theory https://nettiopsu.utu.fi/opas/opetusohjelma/marjapuuro.htm?id=10472

Completing of the module (with 2 ECTS) requires pre-readings and active participation during the two-days course. No additional essay is required. Please register by sending me an e-mail. I will send you some of the pre-readings in return.

Post-docs and others wanting to join without earning any ECTS, you are welcomed to join as well (but send me an e-mail too).

The course XSTL 1013 is built so that each module will be registered on its own (including the ones completed in 2015-2016). One can take anything between 1 and 4 modules, each valued as 2 ECTS.

The teacher of each module will determine what is required for its completion.

Any PhD student from UTU and ÅA with topical research interest is welcome.

Best wishes,

Sampo Ruoppila
Turku Urban Studies Network (UTU & ÅA)



Module: Knowledge co-creation in the urban context: insights from American Pragmatism and arts-based/design methodologies (2 ECTS)

Professor Mihaela Kelemen, Keele University

This module will focus on knowledge co-creation using pragmatism as a philosophical approach and arts-based/design methodologies (for example, Cultural Animation and Asset Mapping) as its manifestation. A series of urban challenges scenarios, based on Minami-Sanriku - an area affected by the 2011 Tsunami, will be used to get students to think about wicked problems, knowledge co-creation and community leadership within a specific urban area which is in crisis.

The first session (16.5. 9 AM – 1 PM) will be more theoretically oriented and led by the lecturer, while the second (17.5. 9 AM – 1 PM) will be more interactive and devoted to students’ group work and presentations.


•      Vo, L. and Kelemen, M. (2014) ‘John Dewey’ in The Oxford Handbook of Process and Organisation Studies (Helin et all, Eds), Oxford University Press, pp.236-254.

•      Haywood Rolling Jr., J. (2010) A paradigm analysis of arts based research and implications for education, Studies in Art education: A Journal of Issues and Research, 51/2, pp 102-114.

•      Kelemen, M. and Hamilton, L. (2015) ‘The role of creative methods in redefining the impact agenda’, CASIC Working Paper Series available at https://www.keele.ac.uk/casic/workingpaperseries/

•      Grint K (2005) ‘Problems, problems, problems’: The social construction of ‘leadership’. Human Relations, 58 (11), 1467-1494, DOI: 10.1177/0018726705061314.

•      Alexiou, K., Zamenopoulos T., Greene, K., Alevizou, G., Chapain, C., Agusita E., and Harte, D. (2016) ‘Asset mapping as a tool for creative citizens’, In The Creative Citizen Unbound, I. Hargreaves editor.

Additional readings:

•      Kelemen M. et al. (2014). Bridging the Gap between Academic Rigour and Community Relevance: Fresh Insights from American Pragmatism AHRC Report http://www.keele.ac.uk/media/keeleuniversity/ri/risocsci/events/bridgingthegap/Bridging%20the%20Gap%20final%20report%20(1).pdf

•      Zamenopolous, T. (et al). Unearthing Hidden Assets through Community Co-design and Co-production. http://www.theglasshouse.org.uk/media/38/1238-unearth-hidden-assets-booklet-screen-spreads.pdf   Connected Communities Festival Publication

•      Kelemen M. et al. (2014) Untold stories of volunteering: A cultural animation project, AHRC report http://www.keele.ac.uk/media/keeleuniversity/ri/risocsci/events/untoldstories/Untold%20Stories%20Final%20Report.pdf


•      Mon 16-May-2016  9.00-13.00

•      Tue 17-May-2016  9.00-13.00


A series of short case studies will be supplied on Monday and the students will be expected to debate them and make a short group presentation on Tuesday.

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