[Kaupunkitutkimus] 20.5.2016 Charles Landry at the new Helsinki City Museum!

Sampo Ruoppila ruoppila at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 15:52:40 EEST 2016

Luovan kaupungin kauppamies Hgissä 20.5.

---------- Edelleenlähetetty viesti ----------
Lähettäjä: *Kulonpalo, Jussi M* <jussi.kulonpalo at helsinki.fi>
Päiväys: tiistai 26. huhtikuuta 2016
Aihe: Save the date: Friday 20.5.2016 Charles Landry at the new Helsinki
City Museum!
Vastaanottaja: "stadi-lista at helsinki.fi" <stadi-lista at helsinki.fi>

Welcome to the Urban Academy morning session:

Friday 20.5.2016 (9:00-11:00)

Location: new Helsinki City Museum (Aleksanterinkatu 16)

*CHARLES LANDRY & “Digitized City”*

Charles Landry is an international authority on the use of imagination and
creativity in urban change. He invented the concept of Creative City in the
1980’s and this has changed the way cities have thought about the
capabilities and resources. Landry’s aim is to help cities become more
resilient, self-sustaining and to punch above their weight.


This event for discussion is arranged in collaboration with the City of
Helsinki Urban Facts and hopefully can benefit the planning process of the
“Urban Studies and Planning MA program”.

More information coming up!

Best regards,

Annina Ala-Outinen

Kaupunkiakatemian koordinaattori

Helsingin kaupunginkanslian elinkeino-osasto

Kaupungin kilpailukyvyn kehitys

PL 20 (Unioninkatu 28 A)

00099 Helsingin kaupunki



annina.alaoutinen at hel.fi
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