[Kaupunkitutkimus] Doctoral course 16.-17.5. in Turku: Knowledge co-creation in the urban context: insights from American Pragmatism and arts-based/design methodologies

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Fri Apr 22 12:39:20 EEST 2016

** Please circulate! **

Dear PhD students and other people interested in urban studies topics,

You are welcome to join Professor’s Mihaela Kelemen’s modul at urban studies PhD course Contemporary Urban Theory https://nettiopsu.utu.fi/opas/opetusohjelma/marjapuuro.htm?id=10472

Completing of the module (with 2 ECTS) requires pre-readings and active participation during the two-days course. No additional essay is required. Please register by sending me an e-mail. I will send you some of the pre-readings in return.

Post-docs and others wanting to join without earning any ECTS, you are welcomed to join as well (but send me an e-mail too).

Best wishes,

Sampo Ruoppila
Turku Urban Studies Network (UTU & ÅA)



Module: Knowledge co-creation in the urban context: insights from American Pragmatism and arts-based/design methodologies

Professor Mihaela Kelemen, Keele University (2 ECTS)

This module will focus on knowledge co-creation using pragmatism as a philosophical approach and arts-based/design methodologies (for example, Cultural Animation and Asset Mapping) as its manifestation. A series of urban challenges scenarios, based on Minami-Sanriku - an area affected by the 2011 Tsunami, will be used to get students to think about wicked problems, knowledge co-creation and community leadership within a specific urban area which is in crisis.

The first session (16.5. 9 AM – 1 PM) will be more theoretically oriented and led by the lecturer, while the second (17.5. 9 AM – 1 PM) will be more interactive and devoted to students’ group work and presentations.


•      Vo, L. and Kelemen, M. (2014) ‘John Dewey’ in The Oxford Handbook of Process and Organisation Studies (Helin et all, Eds), Oxford University Press, pp.236-254.

•      Haywood Rolling Jr., J. (2010) A paradigm analysis of arts based research and implications for education, Studies in Art education: A Journal of Issues and Research, 51/2, pp 102-114.

•      Kelemen, M. and Hamilton, L. (2015) ‘The role of creative methods in redefining the impact agenda’, CASIC Working Paper Series available at https://www.keele.ac.uk/casic/workingpaperseries/

•      Grint K (2005) ‘Problems, problems, problems’: The social construction of ‘leadership’. Human Relations, 58 (11), 1467-1494, DOI: 10.1177/0018726705061314.

•      Alexiou, K., Zamenopoulos T., Greene, K., Alevizou, G., Chapain, C., Agusita E., and Harte, D. (2016) ‘Asset mapping as a tool for creative citizens’, In The Creative Citizen Unbound, I. Hargreaves editor.

Additional readings:

•      Kelemen M. et al. (2014). Bridging the Gap between Academic Rigour and Community Relevance: Fresh Insights from American Pragmatism AHRC Report http://www.keele.ac.uk/media/keeleuniversity/ri/risocsci/events/bridgingthegap/Bridging%20the%20Gap%20final%20report%20(1).pdf

•      Zamenopolous, T. (et al). Unearthing Hidden Assets through Community Co-design and Co-production. http://www.theglasshouse.org.uk/media/38/1238-unearth-hidden-assets-booklet-screen-spreads.pdf   Connected Communities Festival Publication

•      Kelemen M. et al. (2014) Untold stories of volunteering: A cultural animation project, AHRC report http://www.keele.ac.uk/media/keeleuniversity/ri/risocsci/events/untoldstories/Untold%20Stories%20Final%20Report.pdf


•      Mon 16-May-2016  9.00-13.00

•      Tue 17-May-2016  9.00-13.00


A series of short case studies will be supplied on Monday and the students will be expected to debate them and make a short group presentation on Tuesday.

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