[Kaupunkitutkimus] VL: Spaces and tactics of politics -konferenssi Turussa 10.-11.12.

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Wed Nov 25 16:47:11 EET 2015

Lähettäjä: sospol-bounces at lists.utu.fi [mailto:sospol-bounces at lists.utu.fi] Puolesta Kia Andell
Lähetetty: 25. marraskuuta 2015 8:37
Vastaanottaja: Sosiaalitieteiden laitos; publicum at utu.fi
Aihe: [Sospol] Spaces and tactics of politics -konferenssi Turussa 10.-11.12.

Turku political sociology study group TURPO järjestää Turussa 10.-11.12 politiikan tiloja ja taktiikoita käsittelevän kansainvälisen konferenssin. Tervetuloa kuuntelemaan! Ilmoittauduthan kuulijaksi 8.12. mennessä. Alla lisätietoa konferenssista ja linkki ilmoittautumislomakkeeseen.

Turku political sociology study group TURPO organises an international conference in Turku on Dec 10-11. Welcome to listen! Remember to register by Dec 8 by filling out the registration form linked below.

Spaces and tactics of politics: Transnational connections, neoliberalisation and the reshaping of civil society

10-11 December 2015
University of Turku, Finland

Keynote speakers:

Gail Lewis, Birkbeck, University of London
Sandro Mezzadra, University of Bologna
Jemima Repo, University of Helsinki

Neoliberalisation has emerged as a powerful yet multifaceted and contextually specific force that re-draws the boundaries between state and economy, collective and individual, public and private. Although neoliberal ideologies have sought to depoliticise relationships of power and to present the political field as one of 'no alternatives', various parts of the world have simultaneously witnessed waves of politicisation and wide-ranging acts of protest that challenge such political trends. Questions of transnational migration, class inequality, gender and sexual identity, and contestations of new and rearticulated forms of racism have become key issues in current politics. The expansion of media technologies (social media, the Internet) has transformed political engagements in a far-reaching way. Many contemporary protests are cross-border in nature, drawing on and creating transnational networks and forms of solidarity. Recent political mobilisations include, for example, mass protests against austerity policies, asylum and refugee activism, the worldwide spread of Occupy movements and other forms of anti-capitalist mobilisation, anti-racist and anti-fascist group activities, feminist and queer activism, and the proliferation of groups politicising lifestyles and everyday life. On the other hand, we have also seen the rise of far-right and anti-immigration movements.

This conference maps this terrain of political struggles and, while acknowledging established forms of political action such as social movements and NGOs, seeks to unearth and make visible the spaces and tactics of political contestation that tend to escape the conventional purview of politics. In this way, the conference seeks to advance our understanding of the logics of political struggles and resistance in the current political conjuncture. How are these struggles organised? What kinds of social change do they envisage and how do they strive to achieve these? What tactics do they employ and what bonds of solidarity do they engender? How do people contest forms of power in their mundane, everyday practices and activities? How are diverse axes of inequality contested or reproduced in political engagements? Where do contemporary struggles of class, gender, race and ethnicity take place, and how are they articulated and organised?

See the programme and session schedule here:

Register by Dec 8th at https://konsta.utu.fi/Default.aspx?tabid=88&tap=2774



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