[Kaupunkitutkimus] KEKO Researchers seminar on Climate change adaptation

Maria Höyssä maria.hoyssa at utu.fi
Tue Nov 24 14:51:48 EET 2015

Dear recipients of KEKO Responsibility and Sustainability Researchers info letter and kaupunkitutkimus list,

Our interdisciplinary seminar on the Challenge of Sustainable consumption last Friday attracted a roomful of people to discuss one of the most pertinent sustainability challenges (I will soon distribute the slides to everyone who was present). Please note that the next seminar is already next week, and the topic is as urgent as the previous one: adapting to climate change in an urban context. This time we have a distinguished guest lecturer from Columbia University (see attachment for presenter details) - a great chance to network internationally, if you have related interests:

Dr. David C. Major: "Climate Adaptation in New York City: Lessons from Sandy"

In the spirit of United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, KEKO Researchers December meeting is also focusing on climate change. We will have a visiting lecture by a renowned expert in the field, Dr. Major (Columbia University), who will assess New York City's leading role in climate change adaptation, and the additional impetus given to this work by the impact of Hurricane Sandy. The lecture will be followed by or intertwined with a joint discussion. Staff and students alike are welcome to participate.

Time: 4.12.2015, 12.15-13.45

Place: Seminar room Yhdistys, at Turku School of Economics, 4th floor

Coffee and tea provided - please inform us of your participation on 2.12. the latest at keko at utu.fi<mailto:keko at utu.fi>.

The first KEKO Researchers seminar in 2016 will take place January 22nd, at 12.15-13.45. The theme is "Bribery from a CSR perspective"

Doctoral Candidate Irfan Ameer will talk of his qualitative study on 'Bribery control in an institutionalized environment'. There is room for one related presentation, feel free to suggest yours.

On behalf of the organizers,


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