[Kaupunkitutkimus] Engl. kielinen kirjoituspaja Pohjois-Amerikka-aiheista

Benita Heiskanen benita.heiskanen at utu.fi
Wed Oct 21 13:16:11 EEST 2015


alla listalaisten tiedoksi joulukuussa järjestettävästä kirjoituspajasta Pohjois-Amerikkaan (USA, Kanada, Meksiko ja Karibia) liittyvistä aiheista. Saa levittää relevanteille tahoille.

Ystävällisin  terveisin

Benita Heiskanen

CFP:  JMC Writing Workshop, December 4, 2015
The John Morton Center Research Network invites both senior and junior scholars to participate in a one-day Writing Workshop on December 4, 2015 at the University of Turku.  Participants will have the opportunity to share a wide range of in-progress manuscripts (e.g., article drafts, dissertation chapters, book chapters, conference papers, and research proposals) in the field of North American Studies for discussion and comments.  

To submit your research writing for the workshop, email a short abstract of the work and a bio (300 words maximum) to jmc at utu.fi by Friday, October 30, 2015. 

Papers will be submitted by Monday, November 16, 2015, and be made available to workshop participants on Moodle by November 20.  A discussant will be assigned for each manuscript, though all participants are encouraged to review and provide feedback on each other's work.      

The workshop will be followed by the JMC Research Network Annual Meeting and a reception.

University of Turku Doctoral Candidates can earn 2 credits for presenting their work.

For more information, please contact Samira Saramo, JMC Post-Doctoral Researcher, at samira.saramo at utu.fi


Benita Heiskanen, Ph.D., Title of Docent
Director, John Morton Center for North American Studies
Assistentinkatu 7
20014 University of Turku
Tel. +358-2-333 6959
Cell. +358-400-501 889
Email: benita.heiskanen at utu.fi
Web: http://www.utu.fi/jmc

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