[Kaupunkitutkimus] Agile 2016 cfp

Titiana Ertiö tpmold at utu.fi
Thu Sep 24 16:29:06 EEST 2015

From: Marek Baranowski (AGILE Secretary-General) [agile.secretary at gmail.com<mailto:agile.secretary at gmail.com>]
Sent: 21 September 2015 1:06
To: Marek Baranowski
Subject: Reminder: AGILE'2016 Call for Papers


2016'AGILE - Call for Papers
On behalf of the AGILE council, we invite you to participate at the 19th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, scheduled to take place in Helsinki, Finland, 14-17 June 2016.

The program will offer parallel paper presentation sessions, keynote sessions, poster sessions and pre-conference workshops to share your ideas, explore on-going research, future developments, including state-of-the-art applications, and to network with the professionals from academia, industry, and government who are interested in promoting GI teaching and research activities among GI laboratories at the European level.

Potential contributors are invited to submit:

  *   Full-paper submission (maximum 6000-word manuscript) of original and unpublished fundamental scientific research. High-quality scientific submissions will be accepted for presentation at the conference and published in the Springer Lecture Notes on Geoinformation and Cartography. We especially encourage PhD students to submit full papers. Papers must be written in English according to the Springer formatting guidelines.

     *   Note: AGILE 2016 is running a blind review process. In preparing your manuscript, do not include any information which could reveal your identity, or that of your co-authors. The title section of your manuscript should not contain any author names, email addresses, or affiliation status. In the body of your submission, you should eliminate all direct references to your own previous work. That is, avoid phrases such as "this contribution generalizes our results for XYZ". Also, please do not disproportionately cite your own previous work. In other words, make your submission as anonymous as possible. We need your cooperation in our effort to maintain a fair, blind reviewing process.

  *   Short paper submission (2000 to 3000-word manuscript) of original and unpublished research work. High-quality scientific and strategic (industrial and governmental) submissions will be accepted for presentation at the conference and published in the AGILE proceedings volume (with ISSN). Papers must be written in English according to the submission template and formatting guidelines.

  *   Poster submission (500 to 1000-word manuscript) of original scientific and strategic research work. High-quality submissions will be accepted for poster presentations at the conference and provide the exceptional opportunity to stimulate scientific discussions and exchange novel ideas. Papers must be written in English according to the submission template and formatting guidelines.
Conference Topics
Contributors are invited to submit papers and abstracts on all topics within the fields of Geographic Information Science, including (but not limited to):

  *   Big Spatial Data: Analysis and Visualization
  *   Volunteered Geographic Information and Community Observatories
  *   Crowdsourcing, Co-creation and Participatory GIS
  *   Smart cities
  *   Earth Observation Systems: Algorithms and Applications
  *   Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
  *   Spatiotemporal Data Acquisition, Modelling, and Analysis
  *   Uncertainty and Error Propagation
  *   3D Modelling, Analysis and Visualization
  *   Digital Earth, Virtual Globes and Spatial-oriented Augmented Reality
  *   Location Based Services and Mobile GI Applications
  *   Way Finding, Routing and Indoor Navigation
  *   Cognitive Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction for GIS
  *   Model Web, Geospatial Workflows and Service Composition
  *   Geosensors Networks and Sensor Web
  *   Spatial Data Infrastructures: Data and Service Sharing
  *   Future Internet, Ubiquitous Web and Geographic Information Systems
  *   Geodesign
  *   Environmental/Ecological and Urban/Regional Modelling
  *   Demographic and Socioeconomic Modelling
  *   Natural Resources Management and Monitoring
  *   Disaster and Risk Management
  *   Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of GI
  *   GIScience and Technology Education and Training
Important Deadlines

  *   Full paper submission: 30 November 2015
  *   Pre-conference workshop proposals: 30 November 2015
  *   Notification of workshops acceptance: 14 December 2015
  *   Notification of full paper acceptance: 18 January 2015
  *   Camera-ready full paper: 1 February 2016
  *   Short paper and poster submissions: 1 February 2016
  *   Notification of short paper and poster acceptance: 4 March 2016
  *   Camera-ready short paper and poster: 1 April 2016
  *   Early registration: March 2016
  *   Conference 14-17 June 2016
More information available at http://www.agile-online.org/index.php/conference/conference-2016

AGILE'2016 Programme Chairs
Tapani Sarjakoski, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute, NLS
Maribel Yasmina Santos, University of Minho
Tiina Sarjakoski, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute, NLS


Marek Baranowski

Secretary-General AGILE


agile.secretary at gmail.com<mailto:agile.secretary at gmail.com>

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