[Kaupunkitutkimus] Fwd: Associate Professor in Landscape Architecture Theory and Historiograpy

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Wed Sep 23 13:41:02 EEST 2015

Begin forwarded message:

From: Li Liu <liu at ign.ku.dk<mailto:liu at ign.ku.dk>>
Subject: Associate Professor in Landscape Architecture Theory and Historiograpy
Date: 23 Sep 2015 13:13:40 EEST

Dear colleagues,

Our department open a position of Associate Professor in Landscape Architecture Theory and Historiograpy: http://employment.ku.dk/jobagent/?show=730432
Thanks for spreading it out further in your network.

I am looking forward to seeing some of you in the end of October.

Best regards,

Li Liu
Landscape architect, PhD, Cand hort.arch.

Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning
Department of Geoscience and Nature Management
University of Copenhagen
Rolighedsvej 23
DK-1958 Frederiksberg C

Office  +45 35336774
Mobil  +45 28616502

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