[Kaupunkitutkimus] Fwd: [Comurb_r21] Call for Abstracts: 2016 Helsinki conference, European Association for Urban History

Sampo Ruoppila ruoppila at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 19:44:20 EEST 2015

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Lähettäjä: *Jerome I. Hodos* <jerome.hodos at fandm.edu>
Päiväys: keskiviikko 16. syyskuuta 2015
Aihe: [Comurb_r21] Call for Abstracts: 2016 Helsinki conference, European
Association for Urban History
Vastaanottaja: comurb_r21 at email.rutgers.edu

Dear Colleagues:

I am co-organizing a panel (with Paul Van de Laar of Erasmus Univ.
Rotterdam) at the 2016 European Association for Urban History conference in
Helsinki (24-27 August). If you are engaged in comparative-historical work
on second-tier and/or port cities, we encourage you to submit an abstract
(deadline is 31 October).

I have copied the description of our session below. The general call for
papers is here:

Best to all,
M20. Reinterpreting Global History: Second Cities, an Alternative Road to
Global Integration in the Nineteenth and Twentieth century

This panel seeks to extend both empirical and theoretical work on the
nature of the global urban hierarchy. In particular, we aim to build upon
recent comparative-historical scholarship that has developed the concept of
the “second city” (Hodos 2011) as a Weberian ideal-type of globally engaged
city alongside the better-known “global city.” For this session, we invite
comparative analyses and case studies of second-tier cities that are fully
integrated into various dimensions of global society, but which differ
systematically from global cities like New York and London.

The concept of the second city takes the simultaneous intertwining of
globalization and urbanization by scholars like Saskia Sassen as
fundamental, but differs in focusing on “non-global” cities and in
conceptualizing globalization as a much longer-term historical process.
Second cities are fundamentally characterized by globally important
economic concentrations in non-financial sectors like manufacturing;
distinctive migration patterns that include international migrants but
focus above all on ethnically or otherwise distinct and subordinate
internal migrant groups; specialization in and development of expert
cultures; and common political and planning struggles focused on
maintaining their second position in global flows on the one hand, and
constructing a strong ‘second-city identity’ on the other hand.

The set of second cities is large and encompasses a significant portion of
world urban population. Recent and ongoing work in this vein has analyzed
and/or compared Barcelona, Bremen, Liverpool, Manchester, Marseille,
Philadelphia, Rotterdam, and Seattle, and in this session we seek to expand
both the geographic and conceptual range of the concept. Themes that would
fit well in this session include the distinctive economic traits of the
researched cities (manufacturing, transport etc.), migration patterns,
post-industrial urban development, urban planning efforts designed to
enhance the city’s global integration, and distinctive cultural identities.

We have, ultimately, two objectives: firstly, to build on the empirical
database for second city case studies, and secondly, to discuss the notion
of second cities as a useful theoretical framework within the field of
comparative urban history.

For this session we are particularly interested in comparative analyses
that discuss multiple cases and that address one of the following key
· analyze the extent to which the historical development of second cities
is path-dependent;
· assess the relative power and/or importance of the different factors that
help determine second-city status; or
· consider the question of whether there are “third cities” as well as
second cities.
Session organisers:Paul Thomas Van de Laar, Erasmus University Rotterdam,
The Netherlands
Jerome Hodos, Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, United States

Jerome Hodos
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
Franklin & Marshall College
PO Box 3003
Lancaster, PA 17604-3003
FAX: 717-358-4500

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