[Kaupunkitutkimus] Re-City 2015 Call for Abstracts extended May 15, lähetettäväksi postituslistoillenne

Rajaniemi Juho juho.rajaniemi at tut.fi
Thu Apr 23 23:37:25 EEST 2015

Dear Mr./Mrs.,

The deadline for Call for Abstracts for Re-City 2015 Congress is extended to May 15. Please notice also that the Early Bird Registration expires on April 30. There have been questions if participation without presenting paper is possible. It is possible, and probably most of the participants will not present papers, even if many of them do so. You can now follow us on Twitter @recity2015 and on facebook.com at recity2015. More information below and on our webpage www.recity2015.com. Apologies for possible cross-posting.

Best Regards,

Juho Rajaniemi
Professor of Urban Planning
President, Re-City 2015
juho.rajaniemi at tut.fi
Re-City 2015: 1st International City Regeneration Congress, Tampere, Finland, 3-4 September 2015


Tampere University of Technology and University of Tampere welcome you to Re-City 2015 Congress 3-4 September 2015 in Tampere, Finland. The Congress provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers and practitioners in the fields of urban planning, architecture, traffic planning and logistics, urban history, economics and business, political sciences, social sciences and humanities. The topic of the congress is "Future City - Combining Disciplines". This allows for a wide range of approaches concerning the regeneration of future cities and the challenges implied in their visioning and planning.

Keynote speakers include professor Robert A. Beauregard from Columbia University, professor Ali Madanipour from Newcastle University and professor Albena Yaneva from University of Manchester. We also have many splendid Finnish lecturers.

 The Congress has five themes: 
.	Theme A: Urban regenerative strategies, methods and tools 
.	Theme B: Mobility and urban planning in city regeneration 
.	Theme C: Economics and power in city regeneration 
.	Theme D: Citizens and their milieu in city regeneration 
.	Theme E: 3R in city regeneration (rehabilitation, reconstruction, renovation) 
Re-City 2015 invites papers on new approaches to these themes. Please send abstracts of approximately 300 words to info at recity2015.com by May 15. Abstracts will be peer-reviewed. The acceptance of abstracts will be announced to the writers on May 30 at the latest. Those, whose abstract is accepted, have then three possibilities: 1) presentation at the congress, 2) short paper (5-8 pages) and the presentation at the congress or 3) long paper (10-20 pages) and the presentation at the congress. We ask writers to suggest in the abstract to which of the three possibilities (s)he is aiming to. The deadline for papers is August 7, 2015. The peer-reviewers' corrections will be sent to the writers on August 21 at the latest.

Selected papers will be published in printed form in TUT journal DATUTOP (rated as a scientific journal level JUFO 1). The language of the conference is English.

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