[Kaupunkitutkimus] MIT:n professori Lawrence Susskindin yleisöluento ympäristökonfliktien ratkaisemisesta 9.6.2014 klo 9

Söderholm Maria maria.soderholm at aalto.fi
Fri May 16 11:10:31 EEST 2014


Lawrence Susskind pitää kaikille avoimen yleisöluennon:

Is there a better way to solve complex environmental and land-use conflicts? Lessons from thirty years of international experience

Aika: Maanantaina 9. kesäkuuta 2014 klo 9.00-11.30

Paikka: Kauppakorkeakoulun juhlasali, Runeberginkatu 14-16

Luento liittyy Aalto-yliopiston opiskelijoille ja henkilökunnalle suunnattuun kurssiin " Negotiation and Dispute Resolution" (https://blogs.aalto.fi/negotiation/).


Professori Lawrence Susskind (MIT) on ympäristökonfliktien sovittelun johtavia asiantuntijoita ja kehittäjiä maailmalla. Susskind tulee Suomeen Aalto-yliopiston (http://maa.aalto.fi/fi/) ja Akordi Oy:n (http://akordi.fi/) vieraaksi.

Susskindin lyhyt bio:

Professor Susskind's research interests focus on the theory and practice of negotiation and dispute resolution, the practice of public engagement in local decision-making, global environmental treaty-making, the resolution of science-intensive policy disputes, renewable energy policy, climate change adaptation and the land claims of Indigenous Peoples. Professor Susskind is the author or co-author of fifteen books including, most recently, Water Diplomacy (Resources for the Future), Built to Win (Harvard Business School Publishing), Multiparty Negotiation (Sage), Breaking Robert's Rules (Oxford), The Consensus Building Handbook (Sage), and Dealing with An Angry Public (Free Press).

Professor Susskind is currently Director of the MIT Science Impact Collaborative and co-director of the Water Diplomacy Workshop. He is Founder of the Consensus Building Institute, a Cambridge-based, not-for-profit that provides environmental mediation services around the world. He also was one of the co-founders of the interuniversity Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, where he now directs the MIT-Harvard Public Negotiations Program, serves as Vice Chair for Education, and co-directs the Negotiation Pedagogy Initiative.

Lisää tietoa Susskindista:



Tiedon sähköpostilistalle välitti,

Maria Söderholm



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PL 12200

00076 Aalto

Käyntiosoite: Rakentajanaukio 2 C, 4. krs.

p. 050 512 4618

maria.soderholm at aalto.fi


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