[Kaupunkitutkimus] Call for grants: Turku Urban Research Programme 2013

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Wed Oct 2 17:09:22 EEST 2013

*Please circulate within University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University*

City of Turku provides Grants for Urban Research

Call has been opened for grants of Turku Urban Research Programme 2013. Call applies for doctoral and post-doctoral researchers affiliated to University of Turku or Åbo Akademi University. The grants are financed by the City of Turku.

The goal of Turku Urban Research Programme is to support Turku’s development as knowledge-able and successful city (economic development policy topics), humane city (social policy topics), sustainable city as well as a city with good governance. Urban research is defined as multidisciplinary field of research in which a city, citizens or urban phenomena have an essential role.

Turku Urban Research Programme provides funding for academically relevant research, which may deliver policy advice. Evaluation of applications will focus on scientific merit, feasibility, applicability, topicality and originality of the contribution. The desired applicability is insights into municipal government’s options to influence urban development or improve governance – with future orientation, but acknowledging the importance of understanding historical perspectives too. The empirical research may, but it does not have to concern Turku city or city region, if applicability of the results is otherwise justified.

Topics of the call

The call is for one year (12 months) researcher grants to research involving one or several of the following topics:

1.    The role of cities in a changing world

2.    Regional attractiveness and competitiveness

3.    Lucrative urban housing

4.    Cultural environments as assets in urban development

5.    Diminishing inequalities in well-being between city districts

6.    Preventive policies on social and health issues

7.    Immigrants’ employment potential

8.    Citizens’ activity and participation

The City of Turku has reserved this year maximum €250.000 € for the grants and will finance maximum 10 grants. In addition, two equal grants are financed by West-Finland Housing Association.

The amount of the research grants is €22,400 annually for doctoral research, and €26,000 annually for post-doctoral research. Statutory insurance payments, paid by the receiver, are approximately 12-15% of the monthly grant. The grant is tax-free income. In addition an overhead of €1,500 per grant recipient is paid for each University department where the researcher works.

Application period and decisions on the applications

Application period for Turku Urban Research Programme grants begins on October 2nd and ends on November 4th at 15.00 hours. The application including attachments will be sent electronically to the City of Turku registration office, kirjaamo at turku.fi<mailto:kirjaamo at turku.fi>

Funding decisions are made in December 2013.


For guidelines for applications, see the City of Turku webpage at www.turku.fi/urbanresearch<http://www.turku.fi/urbanresearch>

Additional information

Research Director Sampo Ruoppila, firstname.surname at turku.fi

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