[Kaupunkitutkimus] 4th Urban History Day: Interactions and Contacts between Cities. Helsinki, 6.3.2012

Taina Syrjämaa taisyr at utu.fi
Fri Feb 3 10:02:54 EET 2012

4th Urban History Day

Interactions and Contacts  between Cities

6th March 2012   Room 505, House of Societies/Tieteiden talo,  Kirkkokatu 10, Helsinki.  Organised by the Finnish Historical 

10.00-10.30  Registration 
10.30        Opening: Marjaana Niemi/Peter Clark
Marko Lamberg (Åbo Akademi): Perceptions and Conceptualizations of Space in Fifteenth-century Nordic Towns
Christian Krötzl (University of Tampere): Networks across the Baltic in the 
Later Middle Ages

12.00-13.00      Lunch-break 
 Luda Klusakova (Charles University, Prague, President of the European Association for Urban History)
Urban Interactions in Central Europe: Planning and Politics in the 20th 
Satu Lidman (University of Turku): Urban history: A natural starting point for a legal historian?
Niko Lipsanen ( University of Helsinki):  Immigrants' Use of Green Space in Helsinki

15.00-15.20       Coffee-break
15.20- 16.20     
 Richard Robinson ( University of Helsinki): Brighton, UK and Hanko: A Shared History in Drink?
Ira Jänis-isokangas (Aleksanteri-Institut, University of Helsinki):
Hooliganism as a symbol of social change in an urban environment: the case of "sakilaiset" in Helsinki and "huligany" in Leningrad in the 1920s.

16.30 Reception offered by Urban Facts, Helsinki City (thanks to Asta Manninen)

Arrangers:  P. Clark, Helsinki Un., M. Hietala Un., Tampere, M. Niemi, Tampere Un.,  Taina Syrjämaa, Turku Un.

REGISTRATION IS FREE, BUT SPACE IS LIMITED.PLEASE PRE-REGISTER(giving name, organization) BY EMAIL BY 3RD MARCH TO  https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/33020/lomake.html

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