[Kaupunkitutkimus] Invitation to professor Peter Ache´s farewell lecture

Söderholm Maria maria.soderholm at aalto.fi
Mon Nov 14 10:12:22 EET 2011

INVITATION TO PROFESSOR PETER ACHE'S FAREWELL LECTURE Thursday, December 1st, 2011, 14:15-16:00, Lecture Room U142 (G), Otaniemi, Main Building, 1st floor at the Rakentajanaukio end.

You are hereby warmly invited to attend professor Peter Ache's farewell lecture followed with coffee reception. Professor Ache joined TKK in 2006 as professor of European metropolitan planning. European Metropolitan Planning was part of the Urban Professors' Network, shared by University of Helsinki and TKK/Aalto. His chair at TKK, and the following Aalto University Foundation, was at the same time a shared position between the Department of Architecture and YTK. During his professorship, Peter Ache has established rich contacts with other Finnish researchers related to his field and also contributed considerably to their international networking - most notably with the 24th AESOP Annual Conference 'Space is luxury' in 2010, as the chair of the Scientific Committee and the Local Organizing Committee.

Please give your reply to this invitation to Marina Johansson (marina.johansson at aalto.fi<mailto:marina.johansson at aalto.fi>) by Monday November 21st, 2011.

Raine Mäntysalo

Professor, director

Architect, D.Sc.

Aalto University, School of Engineering

Centre for Urban and Regional Studies

P.O. Box 12200, FIN-00076 Aalto

Street address: Rakentajanaukio 2 C, 4th floor raine.mantysalo(at)aalto.fi Tel. +358 9 470 24089, fax +358 9 470 24071, mobile +358 50 512 4525 http://ytk.tkk.fi/en/


With best regards,

Maria Söderholm
Information Officer
Aalto University School of Science and Technology
Centre for Urban and Regional Studies
Information and library services
P.O.BOX 12200, 00076 AALTO, Finland
Visiting address: Rakentajanaukio 2 C, Espoo

Tel. +358 9 470 2 4083
maria.soderholm at aalto.fi

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