[Kaupunkitutkimus] Call for Papers / The Media of the Metapolis - Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 24.-26 May 2012

Söderholm Maria maria.soderholm at aalto.fi
Tue Nov 8 10:51:12 EET 2011

Tiedoksi ja jaelkaa henkilöille, joita konferenssin teemat voisivat kiinnostaa!!

From: Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt [mailto:frank.eckardt at uni-weimar.de]<mailto:[mailto:frank.eckardt at uni-weimar.de]>
Sent: 7. marraskuuta 2011 13:53
Subject: Call for Papers

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Institut Français d'Urbanisme
Institut für Europäische Urbanistik


The Media of the Metapolis
Reflecting the knowledge base of urban research

Rencontre François Ascher 2
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 24.-26 May 2012

The emergence of the new information and communication technologies has an enormous impact on urban life. The wide spread mobile phone and internet communication are just the spear head of more exciting technological innovations which are apparently lying ahead. While we are witnessing this information revolution, a more substantial analysis of the changes implied is obviously a practical and intellectual endeavour.

This conference will attempt in bringing together different perspectives, projects, and ideas on the recent and future development of urban life, local politics, architectural and planning practices, as well as theoretical interpretations of the media city. The main assumption of the conference is that in the light of the work of Francois Ascher and his understanding of the predominating construction of the so-called metapolis, understood as a description of contemporary cities.

The conference invites scholars from all relevant disciplines to send in abstracts related to the four main fields of interest:

1.    Communicating the city

How do we understand the impact of the new technologies on the perception, reproduction, marketing, and identity? This workshop will enable a deeper discussion on what has changed with regard to the communication about the city and its political and societal understanding.

2.    The New Public of the City

How has the appearance of social media changed the way of planning and political perspectives on the city? This workshop is dedicated to the discussion of urban planning as a communicative process where the role of the media needs to be reviewed under the conditions of the new opportunities of the internet.

3.    Projecting Urban Future

The main question of this workshop is related to the new concepts developed with regard to future urban development on the basis of technological innovations. The focus will lie on the subject of political, social and planning concepts that are looking on the emerging opportunities deriving from the information revolution for addressing the most important urban problems.

4.    Enhancing the Urban

This workshop seeks projects which are practice based or related reflections on ongoing projects trying to translate the new urban themes into artistic, architectural and planning experiments. It is especially calling for artists and media experimentalists to present recent projects.

Please send your abstract (max. 500 words) to:

Prof. Dr. Frank Eckardt
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Frank.Eckardt at uni-weimar.de<mailto:Frank.Eckardt at uni-weimar.de>
Applications close: 1st January 2012

Invited scholars are freed of the conference fee and can apply for travel support.

Further information: http://www. mediacityproject.org

The conference will be sponsored by the German Scientific Community.

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Tiedon sähköpostilistalle välitti,
Maria Söderholm
Yhdyskuntasuunnittelun tutkimus- ja koulutuskeskus (YTK)
Tieto- ja kirjastopalvelut
PL 12200
00076 Aalto
Käyntiosoite: Rakentajanaukio 2 C, 4. krs.

p. 09-470 2 4083
maria.soderholm at aalto.fi<mailto:maria.soderholm at aalto.fi>

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