[it] [di] Capstone project: wearable 3D sensor network

Päivi Rastas pairit at utu.fi
Mon Sep 24 15:11:41 EEST 2012

Attached is an announcement of a new Capstone project.

A group of 5-6 students will be tasked to design and build a wearable
network of 3D position and acceleration sensors, a sort of "extended
data glove".  The project is looking for talented students with
interest in circuit design and manufacture, microcontroller
programming, signal processing, 3D algorithms, computer graphics,
language technology, and other fields that can benefit the project.
The resulting device and software will be used for accurate recording
of human sign language in a follow-up project in the language
technology research group.

Sounds interesting? Read the attached flyer and attend our brief info
meeting on *Monday 1.10.2012, 16.00, in B2039*

Application deadline: *Thursday 4.10.2012, 23.59*, by email to Filip
Ginter <ginter at cs.utu.fi>

Capstone project in Study guide:

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