[H-verkko] Arvosteltavaksi: Biography, gender and history: Nordic perspectives

Tapio Onnela tapio.onnela at utu.fi
To Tammi 26 11:45:50 EET 2017

Agricola - Suomen historiaverkko tarjoaa kirjoja arvosteltavaksi Agricolan kirja-arvostelujulkaisuun (ISSN 1796-704X). Jos haluat arvostelukappaleen, lähetä sähköpostia osoitteeseen: <agricolan.arvostelut at gmail.com: ilmoita kirjan nimi ja kustantaja sekä oma postiosoitteesi (maaposti!). Tiedot toimitetaan kustantajalle, joka lähettää sinulle kirjan. Perustele lyhyesti miksi juuri sinä haluaisit arvostella kyseisen kirjan.
Biography, gender and history: Nordic perspectives Eds. Erla Hulda Halldórsdóttir, Tiina Kinnunen, Maarit Leskelä- Kärki, Birgitte Possing

How to construct a life of a nineteenth-century Icelandic ordinary woman? What perspectives does surveillance material open up when exploring an individual? How to use portraits as biographical clues? What do group biographies or pair biographies add to the genre of historical biography?
This book, with contributions by scholars from various Nordic countries, reflects the biographical turn that has influenced Nordic historical research during the past few decades. It is a contribution to the growing international interest in, and theorisation of, biography and biographical research as a method of doing history. The individual chapters focus on challenges of gender, context, and relationality in biographical research, and develop the methodologies of biographical research further.
’This is an excellent volume covering a significant gap in the interdisciplinary field of historical and biographical writing not only in the Nordic milieu but more widely; it does so from a rich range of perspectives, theoretical and methodological approaches, as well as biographical case studies. It is indeed a rare contribution in the life-writing literature.’
- Professor Maria Tamboukou (University of East London)
Contents of the book
Erla Hulda Halldórsdóttir, Tiina Kinnunen, Maarit Leskelä-Kärki
Doing biography

Birgitte Possing
How does one relate a complex life? Reflections on a polyphonic portrait of the minister and intellectual Bodil Koch (1903–1973)
Christina Carlsson Wetterberg
Biography as a way of challenging gender stereotypes: Reflections on writing about the Swedish author and feminist Frida Stéenhoff (1865–1945)

Erla Hulda Halldórsdóttir
A biography of her own: The historical narrative and Sigríður Pálsdóttir (1809–1871)
Antti Harmainen
Group biography as an approach to studying manhood and religion in late nineteenth-century Finland
Kristine Kjærsgaard
Love and emotions in the diplomatic world: the relationship between Bodil Begtrup’s public and private lives, 1937–1956

Tiina Kinnunen
‘Fighting sisters’: A comparative biography of Ellen Key (1849–1926) and Alexandra Gripenberg (1857–1913) in the contested field of European feminisms
Irene Andersson
Telling stories of gendered space and place: the political agency of the Swedish communist Valborg Svensson (1903–1983)

Maarit Leskelä-Kärki
Remembering mother: Relations and memory in the biographical project on Minna Krohn (1841–1917)
Heini Hakosalo
Coming together: early Finnish medical women and the multiple levels of historical biography
Kaisa Vehkalahti
Bad girl biographies: Child welfare documents as gendered biographies
Tiina Kinnunen, Maarit Leskelä-Kärki, Erla Hulda Halldórsdóttir, Birgitte Possing
Afterword: Future challenges
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Liitä valmis arvostelusi suoraan sitä varten tehtyyn lomakkeeseen Agricolan sivulle: http://agricola.utu.fi/julkaisut/kirja-arvostelut/ josta se lähetetään ensin Agricolan toimittajalle, joka tarkistaa ja julkaisee arvostelun. Arvostelu lähtee sen jälkeen H-verkko ja Kultut- listan tilaajille sähköpostina sekä tallentuu "Agricolan kirja- arvostelut" julkaisun sivulle: http://agricola.utu.fi/julkaisut/kirja- arvostelut/.

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