[H-verkko] CFP: Antifascism in the Nordic Countries: New Perspectives, Comparisons and Transnational Connections

agricola at utu.fi agricola at utu.fi
Mon Kesä 13 11:42:10 EEST 2016

Agricolan artikkelipyyntöihin on lähetetty uusi ilmoitus:
Antifascism in the Nordic Countries: New Perspectives, Comparisons and
Transnational Connections
Since Mussolini’s march on Rome in 1922 and Hitler’s rise to power in 1933,
fascist and national socialist movements in various forms and shapes have formed
formidable threats to European liberal democracies. Although the history of
fascism/nazism in Europe has received great scholarly attention, the history of
antifascism has remained largely overlooked. In the Nordic countries, like in
Europe overall, the post-First World War economic and social crisis and the fear
of Bolshevism/Communism made emerging fascist movements appealing alternatives
to the traditional political parties in ’weak’ parliamentary democracies.
The history of fascism and antifascism in the Nordic countries is not, however,
limited to the interwar period, but has remained highly relevant ever since:
Practices of antifascism have included street-fighting against fascist groups;
the organisation of demonstrations and counter-demonstrations; or the
mobilisation of national and international solidarity campaigns for the victims
of fascist terror and violence. Antifascism has for example found expression in
the fight against Franco in the Spanish Civil War and through the organisation
of resistance and opposition to the Nazi occupation in Denmark and Norway; and
finally through the establishment of the ’anti-fascist consensus’ in Cold
War Europe that signalled a general rejection of every form of fascism.


During the last decades this antifascist consensus has increasingly been
contested by extremist neo-nazi movements, like the Nordic Resistance Movement,
and more generally in the form of an increasing acceptance of the political
frameworks of the Far Right in contemporary politics which has significantly
changed the political landscape in Europe and the Nordic countries. With the
reemergence of fascism in European and Nordic politics the study of antifascism
seems especially timely. How has fascism been contested and resisted in the
Nordic countries and how can our understanding of past articulations deepen the
analysis of contemporary threats to European liberal democracies?


We invite papers that approach the history of antifascism from a range of new
perspectives and frameworks (cultural, transnational, comparative). How have
different local/national movements, parties, and organisations articulated
’antifascism’ and how have these been connected to similar Nordic and
European ideas, practices and movements? How has the opposition to fascism and
nazism been turned into a political practice from below and how have they been
influenced by Nordic and European movements and networks? How have antifascist
protest practices changed or evolved over time and how are contemporary
understandings of antifascism/fascism connected to past articulations, uses of
history and protest strategies?


Deadlines: Please send an abstract (max 500 words) + short academic bio to the
organising committee by 2 September 2016. The accepted proposals will be invited
to a workshop in April 2017. The aim of the workshop is to discuss and review
the completed papers for an anthology on antifascism in the Nordic countries
that will be published by an international publishing house in late 2017/early


The Organising Committee:

Johan A. Lundin, Malmö University, Sweden, johan.lundin at mah.se

Kasper Braskén, Åbo Akademi University, Finland, kasper.brasken at abo.fi

Ilmoituksen lähetti: Kasper Braskén <kasper.brasken at abo.fi>
Ilmoitus vanhentuu: 3.9.2016