[H-verkko] CFP: ESSHC 2016 Elites and forerunners network

agricola at utu.fi agricola at utu.fi
Ti Tammi 13 10:07:56 EET 2015

Agricolan artikkelipyyntöihin on lähetetty uusi ilmoitus:
ESSHC 2016 Elites and forerunners network
The Eleventh European Social Science History conference (ESSHC) will take place
in Valencia, 30 March - 2 April 2016.

Elites and forerunners network: call for papers and sessions

ESSHC Elites and forerunners network promotes a dynamic approach to the history
of elites. Even though elites are traditionally seen as holders of status and
privilege or as agents of stagnation, they also function as forces of societal
change. The decline and subsequent downfall of historical elites, sometimes
followed by a re-emergence, also deserve attention. Elite formations should be
explored across and even beyond the full length of their life span.

The network invites individual papers on the history of elites understood in the
widest possible sense. You may also propose a theme session of four to five
papers. Comparative sessions composed around thematic, theoretical or conceptual
questions are favoured to epoch and geographically oriented sessions. Each
session must include papers from several countries. Session organizers can and
should invite participants to join their session, but the acceptance of papers
and the final organization of sessions rest with the network.

The network welcomes theoretical, methodological and conceptual approaches.
Sessions organised around particular (unusual) types of source materials are
also recommended. We encourage organizers to consider staging their sessions in
workshop, roundtable or meet-the-author form.

For the Valencia 2016 conference the network wishes to promote certain topics
related to the history of the conference venue or otherwise on the rise:

shipping, seafaring and shipbuilding industry elites
national and universal expositions as elite events
elites formed by and/or serving dictatorial governments
elite culinary practices: food consumption, tableware, seating arrangements

As always, the possible topics of Elites and forerunners network include, but
are not limited to

aspiring, established, stagnated, declining and former elites
imperial, national(ist), separatist, international and trans-national elites
elites away from home: colonial(ist), émigré and diaspora elites
local, rural and urban elites
elite lifestyles, family strategies, symbolisms and hierarchies
empires and their margins
court elites and court culture
military, clerical, religious, political and diplomatic elites
business and industrial elites
intellectual, academic, media, artistic and architectural elites
types, sources and strategies of power, status and distinction

To participate in the conference you must pre-register by May 1, 2015 on the
ESSHC website.

If you wish to propose a whole session, please contact the network chair
(marja.vuorinen at helsinki.fi) in advance.

Ilmoituksen lähetti: Marja Vuorinen <marja.vuorinen at helsinki.fi>
Ilmoitus vanhentuu: 2.5.2015
Lisätietoja WWW-osoitteesta: https://esshc.socialhistory.org/