[H-verkko] CFP: Idän ja lännen välinen teknologian siirto kylmän sodan aikana

agricola at utu.fi agricola at utu.fi
Ti Tammi 7 11:28:25 EET 2014

Agricolan artikkelipyyntöihin on lähetetty uusi ilmoitus:
Idän ja lännen välinen teknologian siirto kylmän sodan aikana
Call for Session Papers

East- West Transfer of Technology during the Cold War


The history of transferring knowledge and technology between East and West,
socialist and capitalist, big and small states has attracted many researchers.
Current historiography proposes new sources and approaches studying various
forms of transfer on different levels, emphasizing not only conventional trade
flows from West to East, but vice versa as well as other more or less unofficial
forms of technology mobility. They include communication between scientists,
attending exhibitions and conferences as well as copying patented innovations
and industrial espionage among other channels of transfer, which demonstrate the
permeability of geographical, state, cultural, political, social, and
institutional borders. This permeability was also attested during the Cold War,
results of which demonstrate the significance of East and West transfers and as
Karen Freeze puts it in her article on Czechoslovak theater technologies and
their move westward: “we may conclude that the Iron Curtain was more permeable
than previously thought”. Consequently, technology transfer opens a wide and
challenging field of research. Apart explaining movement and exchange of
technologies, transfers explicate social, political and cultural transformations
they entail and serve for. They also help explain communication of different
actors on governmental, institutional, company and individual levels.

Following this wide meaning of technology transfers between East and West we
seek for empirically based and conceptually solid contributions to our session
proposal to the ICOHTEH symposium “Technology in Times of Transition”which
will be held in Braşov, Romania on 29 July – 2 August 2014. Although much
good research on the topic has already been done, there are still many grey
areas in this large field. Historiography on transfers still requires more case
studies, in particular on small Eastern and Central European countries,
involving more areas and focuses in order to develop better comprehension of how
soft and hard technologies cross borders, how they influence those who were
engaged in transfer, what role did the transfer play in social change and other
transformations. We invite researchers who are dealing with the mobility of
different technologies and Cold War contexts in a multidisciplinary perspective
to contribute this session project. Among other issues, we aim to comprehend the
nature of technologies travelling from one social and political context to
another, ways of communication between the supplier and recipient of technology,
as well as the impact and roles of technology transfer in national economies as
well as political, social and cultural development.

For preparing a session proposal we ask to send paper abstracts of 200-350 words
and a one-page CV  to Timo Myllyntaus (timmyl at utu.fi). The deadline is Monday
20 January 2014. We compile a joint session proposal to the ICOHTEC Programme

Please, visit the website of the Local Organising Committee and learn more about
the ICOHTEC’s 41st Symposium in Romania. See


Timo Myllyntaus, University of Turku, Finland

Elena Kochetkova, European University of Saint Petersburg, Russia


Ilmoituksen lähetti: Timo Myllyntaus <timmyl at utu.fi>
Ilmoitus vanhentuu: 31.1.2014
Lisätietoja WWW-osoitteesta: http://www.icohtec.org/brasov2014/