[H-verkko] Jyväskylä, Witchcraft, Magic and Popular Religion - XI Kustaa Vaasa -seminaari

agricola at utu.fi agricola at utu.fi
Ke toukokuu 22 09:13:33 EEST 2013

Agricolan tapahtumakalenteriin on lähetetty uusi ilmoitus:

Witchcraft, Magic and Popular Religion - XI Kustaa Vaasa -seminaari

Jyväskylä, Seminaarinkatu 15
11.6.2013 klo 10:00 – 12.6.2013 klo 16:00

Jyväskylän yliopiston historian ja etnologian laitos järjestää vuosittain
Kustaa Vaasa -seminaarin, joka käsittelee vaihtelevia historiallisia teemoja.
Tänä vuonna monitieteisen seminaarin teemana on ”Noituus, taikuus ja
kansanusko”. Seminaariin on vapaa pääsy. Ilmoittautuminen kahvitarjoilua
varten ti 4.6.2013 mennessä osoitteeseen hela-harjoittelija at campus.jyu.fi.


Tiistai 11.6.2013

Ilmoittautuminen (Historica, 1. kerros) 10.00–

Lounas 11.00 (omakustanteinen)

12.00–13.15 Luennot (H320)

12.00–12.15 Avaus: Jari Eilola

12.15–13.15 Laura Stark: Self, body and narrative. Reflections on folkloristic
research into Finnish magic and narrative

13.15–14.00 Kahvi

14.00–16.45 Työryhmät (H320, H105)

H320 Sessio 1

14.00–14.30 Sofia Kotilainen: Popular Religion in Name-Giving: The Effects of
Improved Literacy Skills on the Change of People’s Use of Rituals at the Turn
of the 19th and 20th Centuries

14.30–15.00  Sonja Hukantaival: Domestic Magic through the Lenses of
Archaeology and Folklore

H105 Sessio 2

14.00–14.30 Riikka Miettinen: Religious Crises and Unorthodox Views among
Swedish and Finnish Suicides during the 17th Century

14.30–15.00 Gordon D. Raeburn: Popular Beliefs Surrounding Death in Early
Modern Scotland

15.00–15.15 Kahvi

H320 Sessio 3

15.15–15.45  Teuvo Laitila: Paraskeva as the ‘God’ of Flax

15.45–16.15  Francesco Piraino &, Laura Zambelli: Mamma Schiavona and Santa
Rosalia: Between Identity and Spirituality

16.15–16.45 Reet Hiiemäe: Food as way to protect the body and the self

H105 Sessio 4

15.15–15.45  Sari Katajala-Peltomaa: Men are mad and women possessed? Demons
and gendered categories in fourteenth century canonization processes

15.45–16.15  Meri Heinonen: Demon in the convent. The attacks of evil spirits
in the Töss sister-book

16.15–16.45  Raisa Maria Toivo: Where is the Devil? Religious vocabulary and
the rarity of diabolism in Finnish 17th century witchcraft and magic trials


Keskiviikko 12.6.2013


9.00–11.00 Luennot (H320)

9.00–10.00    Caterina Bruschi: A Game of Hide-and-seek: Agency and
Manipulation in Medieval Inquisitorial Records

10.00–11.00 Jacqueline Van Gent: Emotions in witchcraft, magic and popular

11.00–12.00 Lounas (omakustanteinen)

12.00–15.15 Työryhmät (H320, H105)

H320 Sessio 5

12.00–12.30  Charlotte-Rose Millar: The Emotional Imperatives behind the
Witches’ Pact

12.30–13.00  Ilona Tuomi: Charms on Paper, Charms in Practice. Aspects of
Magic in Early Medieval Ireland

13.00–13.30  Miia Kuha & Emmi Lahti: In contact with the sacred.
Methodological approaches to popular religion and magic in Finland 1550-1800

13.30–14.00  Liv Helene Willumsen: Folkloristic Notions and Demonological
Ideas in the Finnmark Witchcraft Trials, Northern Norway

H105 Sessio 6

12.00–12.30 Purushottama Bilimoria: Is Wicca a Religion? An Inquest from

12.30–13.00 Kamila Velkoborská: Shaping Time and Space in Contemporary Pagan

13.00–13.30  Matouš Vencálek: (Re)Constructing the Ritual in Contemporary

13.30–14.00 Eeva Kallio: ‘Ages of Man’ in the History of Astrology,
Esoteric Movement and Modern Life-Span Theories in Psychology – Same Wine in
Different Bottles?

14.00–14.15 Coffee

H320 Sessio 7

14.15–14.45  Essi Mäkelä: Pimp My Spells – Discordian Liquefied Rituals

14.45–15.15  Terhi Utriainen: Enchantments with Angels: Ethnography into
Present-Day Magic?

H105 Sessio 8

14.15–14.45  Outi Pohjanheimo: Enrichment of Magical Thinking among Trainers
of Spiritual-Based Healing Practices

14.45–15.15 Hassan Juma Ndzovu: African Traditional and Popular Islamic
Therapies. A Dual Approach in Restoring Health and Combating Sorcery among the
Adigo of Kenya

15.30–16.00 Päätössanat ja loppukeskustelu (H320)

Tiedustelut: Jari Eilola (jari.eilola at jyu.fi)
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