[H-verkko] CFP: VI Arachne conference/ Gender studies and women's history in the Graeco-Roman world

agricola at utu.fi agricola at utu.fi
Ke toukokuu 30 09:25:58 EEST 2012

Agricolan Artikkelipyyntötietokantaan
( http://agricola.utu.fi/nyt/pyynnot/ )
on tullut seuraava ilmoitus:

VI Arachne conference/ Gender studies and women's history in the
Graeco-Roman world

Nordic network for gender studies and women’s history in Antiquity 15
YEARS 1997-2012

ARACHNE was founded in 1997. Since then five conferences have been
organised under its auspices. The organisers wish to mark the
occasion of ARACHNE’s fifteenth anniversary in 2012 with a conference
which looks both backwards and forwards. We invite papers that
investigate the position of women and the significance of gender in
the ancient world from different perspectives as well as those that
focus on research history. Papers that have a theoretical and
methodological focus are as welcome as those that deal with specific
empirical evidence.

Papers in relation to the following topics are particularly welcome:

•  Gender studies & Antiquity in the Nordic countries 
•  The life course of men and women
•  Women, gender, and archaeology
•	Religion and mythology  
•	Literacy	  
•	Funerary practices
•	Urban and rural communities in the Graeco-Roman world
•	Gender & violence
•	Body language and dress codes
	What were the major research trends in the past fifteen years
•	Future challenges in the study of gender and women’s history

The conference starts on Wednesday 24 October at 4pm and it will take
place at the Department of Historical Studies, University of
Gothenburg. The language of the conference will be English. In
accordance with the policy of ARACHNE contributions from doctoral
students are as welcome as those from established scholars.

The deadline for abstracts is 15 June. Abstracts (maximum 250 words)
should be submitted to arachne at class.gu.se. Notification of
acceptance will be given by the beginning of July. 

Conference fee
The conference fee is 40 euros for speakers, 20 euros for
students/doctoral students, 50 euros for non-speakers. The fee will
include conference package, a reception and coffee breaks. ARACHNE
will cover hotel for two nights for speakers (24-26 October).  

We look forward to seeing you in Gothenburg in October!


Ilmoituksen lähetti: Marja-Leena Hänninen
<marja-leena.hanninen at helsinki.fi>
Ilmoitus vanhentuu: 16.06.2012
Lisätietoja WWW-osoitteesta: http://