[H-verkko] Helsinki, The Sound of Archaeology: an Introduction to Music Archaeology in the Nordic Countries

agricola at utu.fi agricola at utu.fi
Mon Apr 16 11:34:41 EEST 2012

Agricolan tapahtumakalenteriin on lähetetty uusi ilmoitus:

The Sound of Archaeology: an Introduction to Music Archaeology in the
Nordic Countries
Helsinki 24.04.2012 klo 14:15 - 24.04.2012 

ti 24.4.2012 14:15-15:45
Topelia, F building, 2nd floor, lecture hall 211, Unioninkatu 38 F

The Sound of Archaeology: an Introduction to Music Archaeology in the
Nordic Countries

Music archaeology attempts to describe, explain and reconstruct music
and other non-linguistic sounds (even whole soundscapes) in ancient
societies using archaeological finds as the primary source of
evidence. Who produced these sounds, for whom were they intended,
which sounds, when, why, how, how far? What did it really sound?
Cajsa S. Lund is ranking as one of the pioneers in North-European
music archaeology. Her lecture is an introduction to questions and
problems, theories and data of present-day music archaeology in the
Nordic countries including a summary of its historical background and
development. Among the topics to be discussed are: Terminology and the
concept of music, Is it possible to determine anything, Sound tools
and possible sound tools, Experimental music archaeology,
Ethno-musicarchaeology, The listening man, The “phenomenal” bronze
The lecture will be supplemented with live demonstrations and
performances on various prehistoric sound tools in the form of
replicas and reconstructions of the original finds, primarily
excavated in northern Europe. References will also be made to similar
medieval finds and to popular as well as traditional present-day sound
tools, which probably have their roots far back in prehistory.

All welcome! For the students of musicology and archaeology, it is
possible to get 1 credit point by attending the lecture, writing an
essay on its theme and submitting it to FT Riitta Rainio

Ilmoitus lähetetty: 16.4.2012 10:11

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